Monday, December 7, 2020

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We released the White House guidelines for safe and phased opening of America is what we doing at the opening of American have an Impasta Italian Us Impostor Essential Funny 2020 T-Shirt amazing year next year with another great transition into the fourth quarter as of this morning almost every status taken steps to begin reopening and the American people are doing an extraordinary job of continuing to take precautions while at the same time wanting to start and they will be starting to resume their American way of life we will be reigniting our economic engines were to be taking care of our most vulnerable which are senior citizens and some others where going to be working very very hard on our senior citizens and are nursing homes and various communities to support those that are struggling in this very difficult time others don’t have the same kind of struggle for example today Sec Purdue together with the markets up lunch the farmers and families food box program which will provide 3 billion to help small farmers and to be helping farmers ranchers but it’ll. Reed Medical Center is expected to spend several days to like the White House in crisis mode VP Mike Vance stepping in for the president call the governors today all of this just 24 hours after learning the president’s top they hope Ladies and gentlemen the president of the United States thank you very much is very today please again this is a bit of a very hot one away apologized everybody out there this to suffer through it but did a lot better than bad weather and it’s great to be in the Rose Garden I want to especially thank add this group for joining us as we announce a store groundbreaking initiative in our ongoing effort to rapidly develop and manufacture a coronavirus vaccine were joined by Sec Stephen Minh Nguyen Sec Mark Esper secretary Alex Cesar chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Mark Millie FDA director Dr Stephen Hahn director of the national Institute of health Dr Francis Collins Dr Faucher Dr Burks where I joined by very terrific group of professionals tomorrow will mark 30 days since. You are everyone who feel comforted that everyone will feel hopeful about the future because there are good days ahead there are okay okay okay Marie crying heartbroken why I thought the other side was helping her hold on for all of us leaves the White House holding all the cards well let’s be collecting cards in the me see what I can see what I can find out back I knew she was tired too but I could be wrong that I just kind of feels like she was already pushing so hard and and her her body just gave way just feels like distantly does Gateway team is a 70 year old woman who would not have the opportunities I did if not the notorious Ginsburg of Rosh Hashanah noticed we will overcome I agree Marilyn sleep well okay so she died at home it was the pancreatic cancer so let me do reduce the Celtic way overloaded Celtic crosses here if you forgive the sheer amount of cards and not to dull out here safely turn this to Steve to go with 24 hire help in that might work better vacancy Rico and Rico think and this was the most silly things

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Total disgrace that shocking and I hear even more information came out today what they tried to do to destroy him and to hurt this presidency was sent perhaps in our country’s history does never been anything like it an absolute disgrace but I’ll rely on what the vice president said I can say this and I think you understand this young very well what happened to Gen Flynn should never happen again to a Impasta Italian Us Impostor Essential Funny 2020 T-Shirt citizen of this country yes please do so to me like Michael Flynn with the exonerated based on everything I see come not the judge but I have a different type of power a but I don’t know that anybody would have to use that power think he’s exonerated everything on the vicinity like it what they did what they wrote you see this general you and what this happening to you what they did to Gen Flynn and it’s just an disgraceful so you know I guess we’ll get to that maybe someday or maybe not hopefully we won’t have to get there is a fine man I think it’s terrible what they did to them that something that nobody’s. MCMLXXVII states that well how many more times is different lyrics he feels that it is clearly based onand stolen from how many more years by howling Wolf but the two song sound like actually the sun the howling that we should be discussing is no place to go true the only guitaristand similar they are also different no place to go but Helen will start on aand a sense to G ED for Connie back up to theand then repeat zeppelin starts on goes up an octave to the sense to de be in his hands up to Dand similar but different in this guitarist by itself would not constitute plagiarism of the song the vocal melodies to similarand by the second verse the lyrics become too similar with howling will singing how many times you can treat me like you do later in the song page that’s lyrics from the hunter Albert Kingand asked them to the midsection of Tommy more times this is deliberateand could in no way be considered a coincidence it’s also just too much use of the other conflicts just call it a shot against him in a break they are clearly difference between how many more timesand no place to goand perhaps the band thought that they changed something out there was now the heirs there was always the possibility that they might have just subconsciously copied the song without realizing that the similarities are so close I have trouble buying the controversy doesn’t end there during instrument break there is a section a brief guitar passage that sounds suspiciously like Bex Blair its brief lessons 20 seconds but here’s what most people miss Jimmy page to record the summit back in the studio is a songwriting credit for next Blairand with the exception of its initial release pages name is been listed as a songwriter on every copy nation ever since both backand page agreement page came up with the Bolero influence cordsand rhythm but disagree over who wrote the guitar melody line that page does have a composite credit so we got out of bounds for using it in how many more times page also asserts that he produced the track but is never been credited for it you would think that this alone would’ve made more synthetic to Jake Holmes in my opinion how many more times is a remake of howling wolves no place to go Led Zeppelin is transformed into an epic piece of rockand that may or may not give them the right to add their names to the summary credits of this version but it should be credited at least as originally by howling Wolfand include mention of the use of Albert King’s the hunter as welland this concludes my depth look at the debut album of one of rock’s most influential bands on this album there are a few valid claims of plagiarism even though I believe that one of them was completely accidental but there are also some complete overblownand invalid claims to is not only legally wrong to knowingly plagiarize some of this works is morally wrong to do before we all go on witchhunts bear in mind that there are only seven minutes in music is at some point all music artists have unknowingly or subconsciously copied the work of others I’ve done it to much to my embarrassment the bomberand twistand shout is the exact same chord progressions yet no one would assert that one is a rip off of the other Led Zeppelin one remains a stellar debut album now you areand why I’m not discussing any other songs from their subsequent releases that have been charged with plagiarism is because those songs of the day that I cover those out if I ever do but their entire catalog I would say that there’s probably someone in neighborhood of 10 to 12 songs that need some adjustments to the summary credits this is either because of the fact that they are transformative another song or in a few cases they are in an credited remake there certainly surrounds any to be writing in regards this in the form of proper creditand compensation in an apology wouldn’t hurt either but that does not negate the rest of the brilliant work Led Zeppelin’s contributed to the musicand it starts with this out for music with buying Mr TJ are thank you so much for listeningand please subscribe the channel. Inspiration in all those would come in they were able to muster faith here in America they might build a better life for their children something pensions about our history between more than just immigration the meaning of America what kind of country do we want to be immigrants or the teachers who inspire our children are the doctors who keep us healthy with engineers who design are skyline artists and entertainers parts immigrants are soldiers and airmen read never say it often loudly in immigrants and refugees revitalize and when new American is not something to take for granted something to cherish and a and me by Jenna Novick it is November together we can change the value is the right side back to the times there is no relevant when he prayed moving toward a more perfect union breaking through the proverbial graph theory there here from hearing the one in Capri over 65 million cracks in common is he makes sensible gun law will be the means for all who knows why you on the glory to make the world safe
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