Thursday, February 18, 2021

I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt

Slash tour for ticketsand cities also this month I’m doing adaily Instagram essay every day postinga beautiful photo and an essay with thatphoto over at the minimalist Instagramaccount it’s just at the minimalists andthat’s all I got right now Ryan you gotanything else for us yeah man here I gotsome of this here it’s brand new shinyvoice mail comments and tips from ourlisteners and I’m on my way back inCalifornia where I spent some time withmy cousin and we watched the minimalistmovie my third time seeing it but herfirst time seeing it she needed to seeitbut you know it John Donne me that Ihave three children and the oldest is 33and the youngest is 24 and I have twograndchildren eighteen months and onemonth boys and I have a I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt great networkingcommunity of friends now and also whenmy kids were growing up and I justwatching your movie the third time itmade me think about how many times Isaid to my friends how can we slow downyou know we want to do something wedon’t have the time to do it we’reconstantly behind we’re trying. They wouldn’tgenuinely add much value to my life bysitting on the floor getting dusty allyear instead they’re going to beblessing from one else who will begenuinely enjoying them so it’s awin win win for me my friend and theperson who will be getting the pair ofboots hey Joshua and Ryan this is Adamfrom Massachusetts thank you both somuch for all that you do to helpsimplify and add value to people’s livesI have a few digital tools that havehelped me reduce the traffic of messagesand lists we so often lose or perhapsmissingon a daily basis the first is Google keywhich is a sticky note application tohelp you add dates and times to remindyou of upcoming tasks that may notwarrant a calendar invite such asdropping off a letter or even makinggrocery lists the notes can be archivedwhen they’re done so it’s less of aninbox look to it although the archivescan be searched at a later time if needbe the second tool is called unroll emII which is an email service for mostcommon email providers and it shows youevery list to which. I was totally using that toto meditate on the way here so yesit absolutely helps me clear a lot ofmental clutter and there there is amuscle memory that you get to really howimpulses like I I know that and probablybecause I put all these boundaries inand instilled them into my life but Ithink the meditation has certainlyhelped to like when I catch myselfwalking through the mall in Chicago I’msure I can’t remember what but I know Isaw something I’m like just gonna go inthere check it out I’m like no you’renot like just and I can catch thosethoughts so tweet that so on theairplane we flew United over here and II kept trying to get them to drag Ryanoff the plane I thought like it camewith your ticket I kept asking them toyeah I meditate and I don’t have a pityanswer for you I’m sorry but it I findit’s important because oh here we gohere’s a pity here’s a penny thing foryou for you so our material possessionsare a physical manifestation of what’sgoing on inside us hashtag lightningaround thank you thank you very muchma’am

Source: I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt

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I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt
I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt

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You so I’m a I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt singer and I haveover the years accumulated a lot ofstuff a lot of wardrobe accessoriesshoes wigs makeup you name it and sinceI discovered you guys I have eliminatedabout 90 of it allthank you however in all of that I havealso discovered thrifting and so I’m I’mlittle proud of myself and I’ve kind ofyou know a lot myself to by things as Isee them maybe if I’m looking for aspecific I don’t now go to a thriftstore first so I’m minimizing my overallexpense but yet I’m you know slowly youknow filling up that closet again sowhat kind of advice you have for someonelike me who’s the parents is you knowimportant when it comes to career yeahso a few things thank you for yourquestion first off a few things I’mgonna recommend first you you’re goingto want to figure out what your outcomeis so quite often we will go thriftingwe were just reading the style earliertoday we had a little vent before thisyou know 93 of teenage women teenagefemales list shopping as their favoritepastime favorite pastime and so the theoutcome. A huge distraction for me becauselike as soon as I get on facebook andI’ll like check all my notifications ohmy do try to stay up with those um justbecause I feel bad about ignoring peoplebut then I’ll be like you know donechecking my notifications and I’ll belike all right I’m just gonna scroll fora little bit and now I’m in a fight soso yeah I would just don’t do that allat once and you know what let’s sayyou’ll see you get rid of internet forexample and after a month it’s like youreally feel deprived like there’ssomething like it was obviously addingvalue to bring it back in you know againminimalism isn’t about deprivation Joshdid that with his phone he got rid ofhis phone for it was like three monthsright it was two months and it was rightafter I got rid of it was a fewafter I got rid of home internet so Ilived without home internet for fiveyears and it was a very productive fiveyears and and I can tell you the firstmonth that I did that it was sostressful but then when I got rightbefore I got rid of TV and. That’s hard like to dosomething easy like get on Facebook oror watch TV or pacify myself with myphone but there’s no real payoff in thatthe real payoff is from drudging throughthe drudgery putting in the work untilyou get to the other side of thatdrudgery that’s when you’re going toexperience the payoff so pick one thingand I’d say focus on it Evan you want tomove on to the reader commentsabsolutely so if you have a question forus you can always call in to our phonenumber or you can of course use thehashtag ask the minimalist and we have abunch of comments from our previousepisode and just comments in general soif you want to comment on this episodeall you have to do is give us a call atfour zero six two one nine seven eightthree nineand we will air our favorites and alsosince monograph books to some of ourfavorite comments now I know there aresome people out there who want to callin and ask us a question but they’rereally scared about having their voiceon air what I will say is we have anexcellent editor so if you
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