Monday, November 30, 2020

That's What I Do I Drink Beer I Hate People And I Know Things Oktoberfest Bear Vintage Retro T-Shirt

Convincing water to be lesswet but somehow he did it alwayscarrying with him a That's What I Do I Drink Beer I Hate People And I Know Things Oktoberfest Bear Vintage Retro T-Shirt smile and hispositive mental attitude as a result hewas one of the most successful managersin the entire company over time webecame close friends we shared similarvalues and beliefs as well as tastes andliterature and movies and music I tradedhim overwrought short stories for hishilarious pseudonymous erotic fiction weexchanged lines from Glengarry Glen Rosscharacters and we both shared a healthyobsession for John Mayer’s music webecame so close that he is even thefirst person to make appearance in mymemoir everything that remains where hepops his huge lovable head into the veryfirst page and here’s a an excerpt fromfrom that book our identities are shapedby the costumes weI am seated in a cramped conference roomsurrounded by ghosts and searched shirtsleeves and pleated trousers there are35 maybe 40 people here middle managersa lot of us mostly Caucasian mostly maleall oozing apathy the group’s mediumcomplexion is that of an agoraphobe. On Spotify and Google Play andprobably even on physical CD if thosethings still exist which I assume theydo I’ve got a couple more albums torecommend also a book to recommend aswell but I think I’m going to wait untilnext week when I can talk to to Ryanabout those Ryan is in Tokyo right nowhe’s in a little vacation with hispartner and and so I definitely want tospend the time with him talking aboutsome of these albums and a book inparticular so let’s hold off till nextweek to discuss those but I would liketo hear about you what are some of yourfavorite albums so far this year youknow I love hearing about new music soyou can hit me up on Twitter I’m just ata jsm now since if you remember back toepisode number 71 Ryan and I announcedthat we were doing this littleexperiment it’s the no social media onmy phone experiment I don’t checkTwitter every day now because I don’thave that app on my phone but I stillcheck it a few times a week right therefrom my computer so it’s always the bestway to reach out to me is still onTwitter. It I definitelyencourage you to check it out if youhappen to be in the Los Angeles areaalright Sean I think that’s all I havefor now what we’ll we’ll move on to thislive version of the minimalist podcastin Pittsburgh I know I really enjoyedthis and I hope you do toowell hello everybody my name is Joshuafields Millburn and I am Ryan Nicodemusand together we are the minimalist andwe are live in Pittsburgh helloPittsburghy’all are awesome thank you so muchso we have a microphone set up hereusually what we do is we take phonecalls but you don’t need to call usright now because we’re all here in thesame room right and so if you’reanywhere even way in the back you’rewelcome to come on up here ask yourquestions we’ll get through as many aswe can we we tend to pontificate alittle bit so you can come up here askyour questions and eventually we’ll tryto get to a lightening round as wellsomeone has to break the ice yetthe microphones right here in case therewe go all right my name is AngieGonzalez thank you welcome to Pittsburghthank

Source: That's What I Do I Drink Beer I Hate People And I Know Things Oktoberfest Bear Vintage Retro T-Shirt

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That's What I Do I Drink Beer I Hate People And I Know Things Oktoberfest Bear Vintage Retro T-Shirt
That's What I Do I Drink Beer I Hate People And I Know Things Oktoberfest Bear Vintage Retro T-Shirt

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Of hats we have a That's What I Do I Drink Beer I Hate People And I Know Things Oktoberfest Bear Vintage Retro T-Shirt friend RobinDevine she makes hats calm and well shemakes hats well no I guess I guess whereI’m going with that is quite often we’llhave people who have like these boxesand boxes of photographs their parentspass down to them and and we alwaysadvocate doing something called ascanning party but occasionally whatsomeone will do is they’ll take someoneelse’s photos and turn it into artsomehow and so the question is is therea creative way for you to repurpose thisand I don’t know but there might be andI think if you were to ask three five ofyour friends then you’ll find three orfive different creative ways torepurpose it yeah and really and if I’mway off base just tell me but like let’ssay you went home tonight and like thatquote like spontaneously combusted andthank God like that’s the only thingthat burn in your closet like youprobably would like probably like ohdon’t worry about that anymoreit doesn’t need to catch fire for you tonot worry about itthank you we got we got these last fourand then we’ll try. Thispainting on the wall does this add valueto my life instead of asking that on anintellectual level by asking thatquestion so many times it became thisvisceral emotional response so I couldthen look at things and just knowwhether or not it was adding value to mylife and what I mean by that is does itserve a purpose in my life is a tool ofsome sort that augments my experience oflife or does it bring me joy in some wayand it could be music or artwork or orsomething else that brings me joy andthe cool thing is minimalism is gonnalook different for each of us it’scertainly gonna look different for youRachel being in college and also havinga ten month old than someone who’s maybemy age 35 and I can tell you that sevenyears ago when I was 28 years old my thethings that had a value to my life thendon’t necessarily add value now so I’mconstantly asking that question doesthis add value to my life well if you’renot gonna start with a packing partyalthough I would encourage you to maybetry to lean into that a little bit. Sorry Abigail Nelson writes how doyou approach minimalism when your spousehas no interest in owning less minimizethe spouse next question I’m justkidding we’re just kidding don’tminimize your spouse that’s silly youknow with my girlfriend at home her andI have a very good understanding of eachother and we’ve worked on that eversince we started dating we’ve beentogether for over two years now so firstI chose my significant other very verycarefully and made sure that we had thesame values and beliefs which I’m sureeveryone else has done but sometimes wewe may change a value here or there andthat’s okaybecause the partner that were with ifthey truly love us if they trulyappreciate us if they truly respect usthey would at least support us in ourendeavors and that’s how Mariah and Iare you know she’s got I think on theToday Show I said she had 20 pairs ofshoes she actually has about 30 or 35pairs of shoes she counts them each wayhe does a full inventory she made surewhat he wish he can keep or Kent that’sright no that’s
See Other related products: That's What I Do I Drink Beer I Hate People And I Know Things Oktoberfest Bear Vintage Retro T-Shirt

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