Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Only SB I Need Is Sex And Beer T-Shirt

That is currently adding valueto our lives and generally will havevery little to do with minimalism it’lljust be something that we are currentlyfinding value in and there’s a The Only SB I Need Is Sex And Beer T-Shirt podcastthis episode of the minimalists isbrought to you by nothing because at theend of the day that’s what most of usneed yeah I mean come on guys what doyou think were going to do try to sellmattresses or sweat wicking underwear toyouadvertisements suck so enjoy the show100 advertisement free every littlething you think that’s mean every littlething you think that you need everylittle thing that’s just feeding yourgreed oh I bet that you’ll be finewithout mehey everybody this is Joshua fieldsMillburn and this is Ryan Nicodemus andthat makes us the minimalists welcome toepisode 2 of the minimalists podcastfirst off before we get started I’d loveto thank you all of you for making ourvery first episode climb to the the topof the iTunes charts that was reallyunexpected we really hoped that thisthing would do well but thanks to you wehit the top. Now you want to show them how yourlife is better with less now for me Ididn’t jump up and say look at me I’mbecoming a minimalist and you need to toinstead people at work started sayingyou’re less stressed or you’re happieror you’re calmer or what the hell isgoing on with you you’ve totally changedand that opened up the door for me totalk about minimalism by way of thebenefits I was experiencing now whywould why did they care because theycared about the benefits they didn’tcare about decluttering their closet ifyou don’t know why your declutter inyour closet it’ll just be clutteredagain a month from now two months fromnow a week from now whatever but if youknow the why that gives you the momentumyou need to keep going even when timesare difficult because quite often weconfuse excitement for long lastingresultswe’ll get excited about an idea I reallywanted to clean up and declutter my homebut if you don’t know why you’re doingit you’re gonna end up exactly backwhere it where you were but if youunderstand viscerally. Because I had all thatsnowboarding equipment that went with itand that was that was within just likethe first few months of the website andthen of course yeah everywhere we gothey’re like hey you guys don’t reallydraw on a minimal crowd do you certainlydon’t certainly don’t sell a minimalamount of books your hair Josh it’s notvery minimal right and so everything youdo ends up being steeped in irony andreally I find that people throw allthese little cavils at us because theytrying to justify their own lifestyle byin a way point out how we are living asminimalist is wrong and you know whatfor some people it may be wrong for themit may not be appropriate for theirlives and that’s okay we’re not outtrying to convert anyone to ourlifestyle we want to share this recipewith you and if sometimes that makessomething ironic then so be itbut ultimately when dealing withcriticism I learned that that ourjudgments are but a mere that reflectthe insecurities of the person who’sdoing the judging and so ultimately whenwe criticize

Source: The Only SB I Need Is Sex And Beer T-Shirt

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Years two and ahalf years so one of the beautifulthings about minimalism is that when youconsume less while you waste lasts so Imean you know having a The Only SB I Need Is Sex And Beer T-Shirt less of an impacton the environment is a beautifulbyproduct of being a minimalist I wouldnot consider myself an environmentalistbecause I I’ll forget my water bottleand then I’m like super thirsty and I’mlike oh crap like all I can get is likelike oh crap like all I can get is likeplastic I’ll recycle the plastic bottleafterwards but still like twin geing andlike buying a plastic bottle but I wouldlove to talk to Josh and I would love totalk about that more here and maybe getsome ideas but here’s the the kind ofthe problem I have with writing aboutthe about the environment is I can’tthink of anything that isn’t almost kindof like fear mongering because likeright now I see an environmentalist orum you know an article on how we’re allyou know doomed essentially it is alldoom and gloom stuff like there is nothe only benefit is is like hey yourgrandkids will live which is. Figure out wherethe best things to keep that I might noteat right this moment but that I mightneed in six months or four months orwhenever it is I do decide to move outon my own so just looking to see maybeif you could give me some advice on whatmight be good to keep for that first offthanks thank you for itgratulations on on getting workingtoward getting out of that I know it’sit’s so overpowering you know I had sixfigures worth of debt half a millionfigures worth of debt half a milliondollars if you count my mortgage and Ijust felt like trapped I felt stuck andso congratulations for working towardthat it took me a long time and a lot ofjust really scraping by but I can tellyou what I would do if I was in yoursituation I can’t tell you what to dobut I can certainly tell you what Iwould do with all of that stuff I wouldlook at it and let’s say what items if Ididn’t have any of these items which ofthese individual items would Irepurchase and go shopping amongst yourown stuff and keep only the things thatyou would. Of hats we have a friend RobinDevine she makes hats calm and well shemakes hats well no I guess I guess whereI’m going with that is quite often we’llhave people who have like these boxesand boxes of photographs their parentspass down to them and and we alwaysadvocate doing something called ascanning party but occasionally whatsomeone will do is they’ll take someoneelse’s photos and turn it into artsomehow and so the question is is therea creative way for you to repurpose thisand I don’t know but there might be andI think if you were to ask three five ofyour friends then you’ll find three orfive different creative ways torepurpose it yeah and really and if I’mway off base just tell me but like let’ssay you went home tonight and like thatquote like spontaneously combusted andthank God like that’s the only thingthat burn in your closet like youprobably would like probably like ohdon’t worry about that anymoreit doesn’t need to catch fire for you tonot worry about itthank you we got we got these last fourand then we’ll try
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