Friday, February 19, 2021

All Pets Were Created Equal Then God Made Parrot T Shirt

IN THE NEXT WEEK SO MY TALK TO THE PRODUCER GUYS ABOUT MAYBE BOOKING ME SOME SESSION TIME BUT YEAH THAT IS RIGHT TO QUESTION ALL TIMES I’VE ALWAYS THREATENED THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IS THAT NOT ALL IS THAT REALLY IS DEFTLY ON MY MIND I NEED TO GET BACK AND START DOING SOMETHING I HAVE BEEN AS CREATIVELY DRIVEN AS I WOULD LIKE TO BE AS VERY CREATIVE AND COVERT KEEPS YOU IN SIZE YEAH EVERYTHING LIKE I COULD BE THE TYPE OF GUY THAT SITS INSIDE RIGHTS ALL THE TIME AND COMES IN WITH SOME GREAT STUFF BUT IT JUST A All Pets Were Created Equal Then God Made Parrot T Shirt SITDOWN ALL RIGHT I LIKE HOW LIKE A IKE ZONE STARTED YOU BEEN TO SEATTLE BEFORE YOU HAVE YOUR RECEIPT YOU HAVE YOUR GUMBALL THAT I’VE SEEN GUMBALLS IN SEVERAL DIFFERENT CITIES WILL NOT LEAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST FAMOUS ONE IS AND IS IMPOSING VALLEY IT GETS IN THE MARKET YOU PLACE PRESENTERS ALLEY YOU CAN WALK DOWN AND THERE’S LIKE THE POWER WASHING AS A GETS TO COVERED EVERY NUMBER ANYWAY AND THE REASON RESULTS IS BILLY LITERALLY TOOK A PIECE OF GUM OFF THE WALL AND INTRUDE ON IT FOR MONEY AND IT. A very very quick Time so know and what we have done and we are going to be leaving a very indelible print for the future in case something like this happens again but it was a and that’s not the fault of anybody and frankly the old system worked very well for smaller numbers much smaller numbers but not for these kind of numbers Tony met some just to reiterate what I said to many of you multiple times to distant system the system was not designed for what it was designed for it worked very well CDC designed a good system if you want to get the kind of blanket testing and availability that anybody can get it or you could even do surveillance to find out what the penetrance is you have to embrace the private sector and this is exactly what you’re saying because she can’t do without it so when I said that I meant the system was not designed for what we need now looking forward the system will take care and you go back if you go back to the swine flu it was a nothing like this they didn’t do testing like this. Donald Trump she called him delusional and I I said that he took on the greatest economic expansion our history to be inherited from a Barack Obama and Joe Biden and like everything else he’s inherited drove it into the ground and Terry Moran clearly they want to make as a referendum on how the president the coronavirus crisis and it is a major issue in so many ways George in your heart Joe Biden error saying there’s been no wheel leadership he said in the present United States on how to get this pandemic under control no real help and Harris said the old prosecutor prosecuting the case with vigor and intensity against Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic and in part doing so by comparing how the United States is done here is in the world and that is going to be a hard argument for the Trump and stick it underneath it seems to me there’s a moral case that the Biden Harris ticket is making bad Joe Biden raising Charlottesville there and Harris also talking about the ideals that the country stand for Joe

Source: All Pets Were Created Equal Then God Made Parrot T Shirt

All Pets Were Created Equal Then God Made Parrot T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women

All Pets Were Created Equal Then God Made Parrot T Shirt
All Pets Were Created Equal Then God Made Parrot T Shirt

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Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love:

United States of All Pets Were Created Equal Then God Made Parrot T Shirt America and that Sen. IN A PIONEER SQUARE ONE OF THE BANDS THAT OPEN BEFORE ME WERE UGLY AND THE DISJOINTED ISOTOPES BUT THAT’S THE CLOSEST THING I’VE THE ISOTOPE STORY DAMMIT BILLY WE HAD THE MOST EPIC MEET UP THIS SUMMER YEAH LIKE ALL THESE PEOPLE LIKE ALL OF THESE PEOPLE YOU THINK COME OUT AND GOING NOT ON COVE TOUCHING ON REPEAT APART AGREE THAT BEING OH I KNOW WHY SO MANY HOT WEIRD I WENT WHEN I I WENT TO VANCOUVER IN MARCH I WENT TO A FURRY CONVENTION WITH ADAM FROM YOUR MOVIE SUCKS OUR BUDDY ADAM WHICH WERE ALL FRIENDS WITH IS A NICE GUY HE TOOK ME AND JEFF HOLIDAY TO A FURRY CONVENTION AND WE WENT INTO SOME OF THOSE WEIRD FURRY HUG ROOMS NOT GET COLD IT GOING ALL THAT SHIT ALL WEARING MASKS SO I DON’T KNOW WHERE THEY WERE GOING TO ASK KNOW THIS DUDE LITERALLY NOT WELL OKAY WHATEVER LIKE THE OTHER KNOW NOT NOT THE WHOLE ROOM THEY WERE HOLLERING FERTILE ROOTS WHAT WOULD YOU TO ME IT JUST A MERE JEFF HOLIDAY ICE ON THE CHAT EARLIER HOLIDAY WENT TO A HOCKEY GAME THAT HAD PROBABLY LIKE 19 000 PEOPLE AT IT IN AND WE DON’T GET. The soul as the vital center the core the essence of existence the soul is what makes us us in his finest hours America soul is an animated by the proposition that we are all created equal and by the imperative to ensure that we are treated equally in America is a mix of light and shadow Seneca Falls in Selma and Stonewall dwell in the American soul but so do the impulses that have given us slavery and segregation and systemic discrimination often we prefer to hear the trumpets rather than face the tragedies but an honest accounting of who we then can enable us to see who we should be a country driven by the best parts of our soul not by the worst a country informed by reason and candor not by ego and lies a country that’s bighearted not narrowminded the struggle to be who we ought to be is difficult demanding an ongoing justice can be elusive and change in America has been painful and provisional the Civil War led to segregation the new deal to right wing reaction civil rights to white backlash yet history
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Autism Light It Up Blue T-Shirt T-Shirt

Your turn ladies here’s your exclusive sneak peak at the Autism Light It Up Blue T-Shirt T-Shirt all new denim washes coming your way tell us which you love light medium dark or black in the comments. Firefly music festival bonnaroo music and arts festival and all us galleries on the site now on to europe next week shady sr bonnaroofirefly getoffmydick. How is this the same color box shows a pink tone but the actual product has a purple undertone to me confusing and misleading I thought maybe someone put the wrong tube in the box but it is indeed the ‘matching’ color Autism Light It Up Blue T-Shirt T-Shirt

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List product on Friday, February 19, 2021

I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt

5 Out Of 5 Doctors Recommend Never Piss Of A Canadian T Shirt

5 Out Of 5 Doctors Recommend Never Piss Of A Canadian T Shirt

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5 Out Of 5 Doctors Recommend Never Piss Of A Canadian T Shirt
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And sailed away in a 5 Out Of 5 Doctors Recommend Never Piss Of A Canadian T Shirt small boat a whaling ship found him. And healthcare in detail she will speak of him most recent study on a healthy diet from an early age following a nutritious lifestyle should also be aware that DuPont has been to join a group of medical professionals working on this topic in the field had that she will be relocating to Paris to join these doctors for a three year fellowship DuPont will be happy to answer any questions at the end of the presentation that question right down one of the cards provided that real question can be read in order for everyone to hear it thank you very much for being the best name is Mary DuPont number 98 where most likely is a Talk Taking Pl 99 what topic is Ms DuPont speaking about number 100 what is Ms DuPont been invited to do this is the end of the listening test. Bodylava is back and a new shade has joined the family for all my trophywife lovers get your liquid gold now fentybeauty
5 Out Of 5 Doctors Recommend Never Piss Of A Canadian T Shirt

Thursday, February 18, 2021

I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt

Slash tour for ticketsand cities also this month I’m doing adaily Instagram essay every day postinga beautiful photo and an essay with thatphoto over at the minimalist Instagramaccount it’s just at the minimalists andthat’s all I got right now Ryan you gotanything else for us yeah man here I gotsome of this here it’s brand new shinyvoice mail comments and tips from ourlisteners and I’m on my way back inCalifornia where I spent some time withmy cousin and we watched the minimalistmovie my third time seeing it but herfirst time seeing it she needed to seeitbut you know it John Donne me that Ihave three children and the oldest is 33and the youngest is 24 and I have twograndchildren eighteen months and onemonth boys and I have a I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt great networkingcommunity of friends now and also whenmy kids were growing up and I justwatching your movie the third time itmade me think about how many times Isaid to my friends how can we slow downyou know we want to do something wedon’t have the time to do it we’reconstantly behind we’re trying. They wouldn’tgenuinely add much value to my life bysitting on the floor getting dusty allyear instead they’re going to beblessing from one else who will begenuinely enjoying them so it’s awin win win for me my friend and theperson who will be getting the pair ofboots hey Joshua and Ryan this is Adamfrom Massachusetts thank you both somuch for all that you do to helpsimplify and add value to people’s livesI have a few digital tools that havehelped me reduce the traffic of messagesand lists we so often lose or perhapsmissingon a daily basis the first is Google keywhich is a sticky note application tohelp you add dates and times to remindyou of upcoming tasks that may notwarrant a calendar invite such asdropping off a letter or even makinggrocery lists the notes can be archivedwhen they’re done so it’s less of aninbox look to it although the archivescan be searched at a later time if needbe the second tool is called unroll emII which is an email service for mostcommon email providers and it shows youevery list to which. I was totally using that toto meditate on the way here so yesit absolutely helps me clear a lot ofmental clutter and there there is amuscle memory that you get to really howimpulses like I I know that and probablybecause I put all these boundaries inand instilled them into my life but Ithink the meditation has certainlyhelped to like when I catch myselfwalking through the mall in Chicago I’msure I can’t remember what but I know Isaw something I’m like just gonna go inthere check it out I’m like no you’renot like just and I can catch thosethoughts so tweet that so on theairplane we flew United over here and II kept trying to get them to drag Ryanoff the plane I thought like it camewith your ticket I kept asking them toyeah I meditate and I don’t have a pityanswer for you I’m sorry but it I findit’s important because oh here we gohere’s a pity here’s a penny thing foryou for you so our material possessionsare a physical manifestation of what’sgoing on inside us hashtag lightningaround thank you thank you very muchma’am

Source: I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt

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I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt
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Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love:

You so I’m a I Think Way Too Many People Have Been Drinking From The Fountain Of Stupidity T-Shirt singer and I haveover the years accumulated a lot ofstuff a lot of wardrobe accessoriesshoes wigs makeup you name it and sinceI discovered you guys I have eliminatedabout 90 of it allthank you however in all of that I havealso discovered thrifting and so I’m I’mlittle proud of myself and I’ve kind ofyou know a lot myself to by things as Isee them maybe if I’m looking for aspecific I don’t now go to a thriftstore first so I’m minimizing my overallexpense but yet I’m you know slowly youknow filling up that closet again sowhat kind of advice you have for someonelike me who’s the parents is you knowimportant when it comes to career yeahso a few things thank you for yourquestion first off a few things I’mgonna recommend first you you’re goingto want to figure out what your outcomeis so quite often we will go thriftingwe were just reading the style earliertoday we had a little vent before thisyou know 93 of teenage women teenagefemales list shopping as their favoritepastime favorite pastime and so the theoutcome. A huge distraction for me becauselike as soon as I get on facebook andI’ll like check all my notifications ohmy do try to stay up with those um justbecause I feel bad about ignoring peoplebut then I’ll be like you know donechecking my notifications and I’ll belike all right I’m just gonna scroll fora little bit and now I’m in a fight soso yeah I would just don’t do that allat once and you know what let’s sayyou’ll see you get rid of internet forexample and after a month it’s like youreally feel deprived like there’ssomething like it was obviously addingvalue to bring it back in you know againminimalism isn’t about deprivation Joshdid that with his phone he got rid ofhis phone for it was like three monthsright it was two months and it was rightafter I got rid of it was a fewafter I got rid of home internet so Ilived without home internet for fiveyears and it was a very productive fiveyears and and I can tell you the firstmonth that I did that it was sostressful but then when I got rightbefore I got rid of TV and. That’s hard like to dosomething easy like get on Facebook oror watch TV or pacify myself with myphone but there’s no real payoff in thatthe real payoff is from drudging throughthe drudgery putting in the work untilyou get to the other side of thatdrudgery that’s when you’re going toexperience the payoff so pick one thingand I’d say focus on it Evan you want tomove on to the reader commentsabsolutely so if you have a question forus you can always call in to our phonenumber or you can of course use thehashtag ask the minimalist and we have abunch of comments from our previousepisode and just comments in general soif you want to comment on this episodeall you have to do is give us a call atfour zero six two one nine seven eightthree nineand we will air our favorites and alsosince monograph books to some of ourfavorite comments now I know there aresome people out there who want to callin and ask us a question but they’rereally scared about having their voiceon air what I will say is we have anexcellent editor so if you
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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Grandma Reindeer Art T Shirt

Ciao paolo la dedico a Grandma Reindeer Art T Shirt tutti gli azzurri e I suoi fans in tutto il mondo spero che ti piaccia. Who s gonna ride your wild horses another wild night in manchester u2 u2eitour wildhorses achtungbaby manchester. We gon chase down the bully hit his ass with the fully everythangscorrupt smarturl it everythangscorrupt Grandma Reindeer Art T Shirt

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Grandma Reindeer Art T Shirt

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Sehr geehrter herr müller ich bin bayern anhänger aber ich muss ihnen sagen das es enttäuschend finde dass sie in der 88 minute bei einem knappen spielstand meinen zeit schinden zu the Grandma Reindeer Art T Shirt en das ist einfach nur peinlich und unsportlich leider ist das im fußball normal. I have managed to video from my mobile phone of santa sleigh reindeer crossing my tablet which appears to continue on christmas day as well please ignore my chubby fingers operating the touch screen for the tardis to manoeuvre hope you enjoy. A military ordinariate is an ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the catholic church of the latin or an eastern church responsible for the pastoral care of catholics serving in the armed forces of a nation until 1986 they were called military vicariates and had a status similar to that of apostolic vicariates which are headed by a bishop who receives his authority by delegation from the pope the apostolic constitution spirituali militum curae of 21 april 1986 raised their status declaring that the bishop who heads one of them is an ordinary holding authority by virtue of his office and not by delegation from another person in authority 1 it likened the military vicariates to dioceses 2 each of them is headed by a bishop who may have the personal rank of archbishop if the bishop is a diocesan rather than a titular bishop he is likely to delegate the daily functions to an auxiliary bishop or a lower cleric some nations have military ordinariates of the anglican communion lutheranism and eastern orthodoxy 3
Grandma Reindeer Art T Shirt

List product on Wednesday, February 3, 2021

In Dog Beers I've Only Had One White French Bulldog T Shirt

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

In Dog Beers I've Only Had One White French Bulldog T Shirt

Had a In Dog Beers I've Only Had One White French Bulldog T Shirt sad experience with the packaging of my nars sheer glow I tightened the lid because the product has been leaking out and the pressure cracked the glass and the bottle neck cracked off I had to throw out the bottle because there may have been glass in the foundation and I was traveling and couldn’t transfer it to another pot I am so upset because I had 70 of product left but lost it due to this packaging malfunction. To all last unicorn movie fans in range of tucson az just a quick reminder that the incredible loft cinema is showing a beautiful digital print of the last unicorn six times at the end of this month first screening is just one week from today showtimes are at 11 am and 10 pm friday april 29th through sunday may 1st don’t miss it and also please note that attendance includes free membership in the last unicorn screening tour if you want it which comes with lots of great perks for last unicorn fans including a chance to win a valuable prize every month to join all you have to do to join is email a snapshot of your ticket stub to contact conlanpress com. Flower power get the jump on this versatile 40 jumpsuit worn by avon representatives natasha and ann react with a if you love the way they look and contact your avon representative today to shop avonfashion’s palm chic heather jumpsuit

Source: In Dog Beers I've Only Had One White French Bulldog T Shirt

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List product on Tuesday, February 2, 2021

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Real Men Marry Police T Shirt

Monday, February 1, 2021

Real Men Marry Police T Shirt

Nbc you should be ashamed of yourselves for not giving this show more of a Real Men Marry Police T Shirt shot it was hilarious clever heartwarming at times it had it all not the least of which was a great cast i’ll watch my 5 episodes on dvr over and over so bummed this is gone. Thanks to everyone for sending in their work to our creative allies contest you guys voted and granit came out on top congrats buddy see more. Make sure you pick up a copy of don t take me home on shelves today relive our unmissable summer togetherstronger Real Men Marry Police T Shirt

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Real Men Marry Police T Shirt

Real Men Marry Police T Shirt

Premium Trending Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Queen

All I do is win win no matter what got money on my mind I can never get enough and every time I step up in the Real Men Marry Police T Shirt building everybody hands go up champion pleinsport. Irene adler why are you always so suspicious sherlock holmes should I answer chronologically or alphabetically sherlock holmes you have the grand gift of silence watson it makes you quite invaluable as a companion watson punches him in the face dr john watson holmes points his violin bow at watson get that out of my face sherlock holmes it’s not in your face it’s in my hand dr john watson get what’s in your hand out of my face sherlock holmes to watson never theorize before you have data invariably you end up twisting facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts first lines sherlock holmes voice over head cocked to the left partial deafness in ear first point of attack two throat paralyze vocal chords stop scream three got to be a heavy drinker floating rib to the liver four finally drag in left leg fist to patella summary prognosis unconscious in ninety seconds martial efficacy quarter of an hour at best full faculty recovery unlikely inspector lestrade you know in another life you’d have made an excellent criminal sherlock holmes yes and you sir an excellent policeman sherlock holmes you’ve never complained about my methods before dr john watson i’m not complaining sherlock holmes you’re not what do you call this dr john watson I never complain how am I complaining when do I ever complain about you practicing the violin at three in the morning or your mess your general lack of hygiene or the fact that you steal my clothes sherlock holmes uh we have a barter system dr john watson when have I ever complained about you setting fire to my rooms sherlock holmes our rooms dr john watson the rooms or or the fact that you experiment on my dog sherlock holmes our dog dr john watson the dog sherlock holmes gladstone is our dog irene adler i’ve never woke up in handcuffs before sherlock holmes I have naked dr john watson you’ve been in this room for two weeks I insist you have to get out sherlock holmes there is absolutely nothing of interest to me out there on earth at all dr john watson so you’re free this evening sherlock holmes absolutely dr john watson dinner sherlock holmes wonderful dr john watson the royale sherlock holmes my favorite dr john watson mary’s coming sherlock holmes not available dr john watson you’re meeting her holmes sherlock holmes have you proposed yet dr john watson no I haven’t found the right ring sherlock holmes then it’s not official dr john watson it’s happening whether you like it or not 8 30 the royale wear a jacket sherlock holmes you wear a jacket in a bare knuckle boxing match holmes sees irene and tries to forfeit and leave sherlock holmes that’s it big man you’ve won congratulations mcmurdo oi we ain’t done yet he spits at the back of holmes’ head holmes stops sherlock holmes voice over this mustn’t register on an emotional level in slow motion sherlock holmes first distract target holmes throws a handerchief in front of mcmurdo’s face sherlock holmes then block his blind jab counter with cross to left cheek discombobulate slams his hands over mcmurdo’s ears sherlock holmes dazed will attempt wild haymaker employ elbow block and body shot block feral left weaken right jaw now fracture a cross to the jaw fractures the bone sherlock holmes break cracked ribs traumatize solar plexus dislocate jaw entirely two more body blows and a right hook to the jaw hinge sherlock holmes heel kick to diaphragm holmes finishes with a heel kick to mcmurdo’s chest sending him crashing out of the ring sherlock holmes in summary ears ringing jaw fractured three ribs cracked four broken diaphragm haemmorraging physical recovery six weeks full psychological recovery six months capacity to spit at back of head neutralized back in real time holmes picks up the handkerchief as though wiping the back of his neck then does all of the foregoing in about eight seconds and kicks mcmurdo out of the ring sherlock holmes it’s a matter of professional integrity no girl wants to marry a doctor who can’t tell if a man’s dead or not sir thomas mr holmes apologies for summoning you like this i’m sure it’s quite a mystery as to where you are and who I am sherlock holmes as to where I am I was admittedly lost for a moment between charing cross and holborn but I was saved by the bread shop on saffron hill the only baker to use a certain french glaze on their loaves a brittany sage after that the carriage forked left then right and then the tell tale bump at the fleet conduit and as to who you are that took every ounce of my not inconsiderable experience the letters on your desk were addressed to a sir thomas rotherham lord chief justice that would be the official title who you really are is of course another matter entirely judging by the sacred ox on your ring you’re the secret head of the temple of the four orders in whose headquarters we now sit located on the northwest corner of st james square I think as to the mystery the only mystery is why you bothered to blindfold me at all sir thomas recovering as best he can yes well standard procedure I suppose watson and mary enter baker street to find holmes hanging from a noose dr john watson don’t worry dear suicide is not in his repertoire he’s far too fond of himself for that pokes holmes sharply dr john watson holmes sherlock holmes wakes up oh good afternoon I was attempting to determine the means by which blackwood survived his execution clearing your good name as it were but it had a surprisingly soporific effect and I found myself carried off into the arms of morpheus like a caterpillar in a cocoon to mary sherlock holmes good afternoon dear dr john watson get on with it holmes sherlock holmes well cleverly concealed in the hangman’s knot was a hook oh my I think my legs have fallen asleep I should probably come down mary morstan john shouldn’t we help him down dr john watson no no I hate to cut him off mid stream carry on sherlock holmes well the executioner attached it to a harness which allowed the weight to be distributed around the waist and the neck to remain intact oh lord I can’t feel my cheeks might we continue this at ground level dr john watson how did you manage it holmes sherlock holmes I managed it with braces belts and a coat hook please watson my tongue is going soon i’ll be of no use to you at all dr john watson worse things could happen dr john watson what of mary palm reader m for mary for marriage oh you will be married dr john watson nodding his head slowly go on palm reader looking intensely at watson’s palm oh I see pattern tablecloth and oh china figurines and ugh lace doilies sherlock holmes pretending to be deep in thought mmm doilies dr john watson lace doilies holmes does your depravity know no bounds sherlock holmes no palm reader continuing her prophecies about mary oh then she turns fat and ugh she has a beard and sherlock holmes what of the warts palm reader ah she’s covered in warts dr john watson interrupting the palm reader enough enough sherlock holmes are they extensive dr john watson please enough sherlock holmes my mind rebels at stagnation give me problems give me work irene adler you’ll miss me sherlock sherlock holmes sadly yes sherlock holmes my journey took me some what further down the rabbit hole than I intended and though I dirtied my fluffy white tail I have emerged enlightened sherlock holmes and chambermaids were once such a liberal breed constable clark my wife’s a chambermaid sir uncomfortable silence constable clark anyhow it’s a good thing she was offended sir otherwise we’d never have found you sherlock holmes yes more uncomfortable silence constable clark just joking about the wife sir sherlock holmes ah holmes has been firing a gun into the wall dr john watson permission to enter the armory sherlock holmes granted he fires again sherlock holmes watson I am in the process of inventing a device which muffles the sound of a gunshot he yells in pain as watson opens the curtains letting sunlight into the room dr john watson it’s not working last lines sherlock holmes case re opened sherlock holmes there is a toxin refined from the nectar of the rhododendron ponticum it’s quite infamous in the region of turkey bordering the black sea for its ability to induce an apparently mortal paralysis enough to deceive even a medical mind as tenacious and well trained as yours it’s known locally as mary morstan noticing what’s wrong with gladstone sherlock holmes mad honey disease oh he’s just demonstrating the very effect i’ve just described he doesn’t mind blackwood’s coffin is opened inspector lestrade that’s not blackwood sherlock holmes well now we have a firm grasp of the obvious sherlock holmes what of the coffin lestrade inspector lestrade well we are in the process of bringing it up holmes looks at the unmoving constables sherlock holmes indeed what stage of the process contemplative irene adler moriarty sherlock holmes what irene adler that’s his name everyone has a weak spot and he found mine sherlock holmes what was it by the way irene looked at sherlock and sherlock twigs that he was her weak spot dr john watson you really believe he was resurrected sherlock holmes the question is not if but how the game’s afoot dr john watson follow your spirit dr john watson sherlock holmes and upon this charge cry ‘god for harry england and st george ‘ a chambermaid enters irene adler’s room and screams when she sees holmes handcuffed naked to the bed with a pillow covering his groin sherlock holmes madam I need you to remain calm and trust me i’m a professional beneath this pillow lies the key to my release the maid screams again and runs out cut to later in a carriage sherlock holmes of course she mis interpreted my intention entirely constable clark naturally sir sherlock holmes after being tossed across the room un moment s’il vous plait dredger affably je ne suis pas pressé holmes picks up a gadget from the midget’s workshop and it turns out to be a taser that sends dredger flying across the room crushing another thug who has watson pinned dr john watson holmes what is that sherlock holmes je ne sais pas mary morstan it does seem a little far fetched though making all these grand assumptions based on such tiny details sherlock holmes mm that’s not quite right is it in fact the little details are by far the most important lord blackwood sherlock holmes and his loyal dog tell me doctor as a medical man have you enjoyed my work dr john watson let me show you how much i’ve enjoyed it he rushes at blackwood holmes holds him back sherlock holmes watson don’t observe watson sees blackwood’s trap dr john watson how did you see that sherlock holmes because I was looking for it sherlock holmes after two henchmen call in dredger to watson meat or potatoes dr john watson my ten minutes are up mary morstan mary asks holmes to make some deductions regarding herself what can you tell about me sherlock holmes you dr john watson I don’t think that’s sherlock holmes I don’t know if that’s dr john watson not at dinner sherlock holmes perhaps some other time mary morstan I insist sherlock holmes you insist dr john watson you remember we’ve discussed this sherlock holmes demanding the lady insists inspector lestrade and you were supposed to wait for my orders sherlock holmes if I had you’d be cleaning up a corpse and chasing a rumor besides the girl’s parents hired me not the yard why they thought you’d require any assistance is beyond me dredger cour petit lapin cour sherlock holmes avec plaisir lestrade brings holmes handcuffed before the home secretary lord coward inspector lestrade excuse me my lord I know it’s unorthodox but mr holmes here has been making some serious accusations about you lestrade lifts his lapel showing a membership pin from the temple of the four orders inspector lestrade and the order sir lord coward I see sherlock holmes well at least that solves the great mystery of how you became inspector lestrade turns and punches holmes in the stomach inspector lestrade begging your pardon my lord but i’ve been wanting to do that for a long time sherlock holmes there’s only at one case that intrigues me at present the curious case of mrs hudson the absentee landlady i’ve been studying her comings and goings they appear most sinister mrs hudson tea mr holmes sherlock holmes is it poisoned nanny mrs hudson there’s enough of that in you already about blackwood coming back from the grave sherlock holmes have the newspapers got wind of it yet constable clark well that’s what we’re trying to avoid sir sherlock holmes certainly what’s the major concern constable clark panic sheer bloody panic sir mrs hudson starts to clear space for the tea tray sherlock holmes don’t touch everything is in its proper place as per usual nanny on her way out mrs hudson notices the dog laying on the floor mrs hudson oh he’s killed the dog again dr john watson irritated what have you done to gladstone now sherlock holmes I was simply testing a new anesthetic he doesn’t mind dr john watson no not you mary and I you are not sherlock holmes what invited why would I be not invited to my own brother’s country home watson now you are not making any sense dr john watson you are not human on moriarty irene adler please don’t underestimate him he’s just as brilliant as you are and infinitely more devious sherlock holmes we’ll see about that irene adler i’d say you’re between jobs sherlock holmes and you between husbands irene adler he was boring and he was jealous and he snored i’m irene adler again sherlock holmes ship sinking behind them watson what have you done sherlock holmes data data data I cannot make bricks without clay sherlock holmes as he’s fighting one of blackwood’s minions calls out to irene adler woman shoot him now please holmes is spying on blackwood’s sacrifice a henchman tries to sneak up on him but watson grabs him and puts him in a hold dr john watson I like the hat sherlock holmes thanks I just picked it up dr john watson you remember your revolver sherlock holmes oh knew I forgot something thought I left the stove on dr john watson you did sherlock holmes I think that’s quite enough you are a doctor after all watson feels the henchman’s pulse and lets him fall to the floor sherlock holmes always nice to see you watson sherlock holmes whatever he was working on he obviously succeeded dr john watson how do you know sherlock holmes otherwise he’d still be alive sherlock holmes ah putrefaction inspector lestrade from inside blackwood’s tomb you took your time holmes sherlock holmes portentously and on the third day sherlock holmes first the world will see you for what you are a fraud then you’ll be hanged properly this time lord blackwood it’s a long journey from here to the rope dr john watson holmes does your depravity know no bounds sherlock holmes nonchalantly no sherlock holmes where’s the inspector dr john watson getting his troops lined up sherlock holmes that could be all day sherlock holmes thre’s nothing more elusive than an obvious fact watson is sorting holmes’s un read mail in response to his demand for work dr john watson lady radford reports her emerald bracelet has gone missing sherlock holmes not looking up insurance swindle lord radford likes fast women and slow ponies sherlock holmes to lord blackwood I wonder if they’d let watson and me dissect your brain after you hang of course i’d wager there would be some deformity that would be scientifically significant in that way at least you could serve some kind of useful purpose sherlock holmes telling a joke to a prisoner and he said may I push in your stool raucous laughter sherlock holmes go along now I won’t be chasing you anymore fare thee well irene adler I don’t wanna run anymore holmes and watson are searching riordan’s house sherlock holmes there’s one odor I can’t put my finger on is it candy floss molasses ah barley sugar watson turns around to see two goons enter one holding a dr john watson toffee apple sherlock holmes let me guess judging by your arsonist’s tool kit you’re here to burn down the building and destroy all the evidence therein thug just one minute boys calls thug oh dredger as dredger enters holmes and watson look up and up dredger il y a un problème sherlock holmes there’s only one case that intrigues me at present the curious case of mrs hudson the absentee landlady i’ve been studying here comings and goings and they appear most sinister mrs hudson tea mr holmes sherlock holmes is it poisoned nanny mrs hudson there’s enough of that in you already mrs hudson starts to clear space for the tea tray sherlock holmes don’t touch everything is in its proper place as per usual nanny sherlock holmes to lestrade about the criminals holmes has just overcome one for the doctor one for the rope sherlock holmes frenetially esiring more relevant information on the case data data data I cannot make bricks without clay sherlock holmes to watson my mind rebels at stagnation give me work the sooner the better sherlock holmes to lord blackwood you’d better hope it’s just superstition as you performed all the rituals perfectly the devil’s due a soul i’d say sherlock holmes there was never any magic merely conjuring tricks. We threw dad a surprise 50th birthday party with pretty much most of his nearest and dearest from near and far so much love in one room thank you so much to everyone for coming down and making it a night we will never forget ️
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