Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt

Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt

Inequality instead and sharing with percussion returned to you next week of quite over the Republicans turned for their convention when we know we don’t know very much the community where the ticket because it would again each night I the president not only check in speech next Thursday on the White House beyond all day until in October and sources present in all the slots in one of the reasons why is that they are watching very closely what Democrats are doing what works and what has not worked for them as both parties really struggle to adopt this virtual convention in Miami in each of the creditors on and more start planning their own connection decide to a Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt virtual before the president in movies convention from Charlotte Jacksonville is trying to in person gathering for last months of bowing to the inevitable and shifting online so that the public facilitator advantage in his A can see what works and what doesn’t work and this is what you seem to be in operating a much shorter time scale so what is ACC. Can make maze of a PR individual giants today yesterdayand that these are not doing that now before we always begins to leave now. I really think he works so well Chris Hemsworth works Ruffalo works for work outside the MCU but he hasn’t as far as box office hours go yet I agree with you I saw that for the Hugo boss colonial evidently why is not the most famous movie star on the planet he’s got all the good secrets Hemsworth movies he better than Lamb know why but the grosses having smell maybe just the quality the movie was okay with you is just a leader only has more diesel sometimes Pretty Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt For Men and Women Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt More than Hot other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Tony Evers mask order outlaw going into effect on August 1 he also said that every DNR employee must wear a Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt mask even while on a teleconference while also wearing a mask even if you are home to participate in a virtual meeting that involves being seen such as on Zoom or another videoconference platform by not DNR staff person calls said according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others see this is the same bullshit that the CDC set where mask is a talisman to remind everybody else to be aware of the pandemic so it’s got nothing to do at your health it’s got nothing to do it you safety it’s all about control because all the science shows that is not about you out nobody it is they can produce one scientific study that proves that mass work but guess what I was able to find another scientific study from Duke University that proves not only the mask mask don’t work but they call cause physical harm now and I can go do it in detail but I’m in a show you little excerpt from Evers executive order said that. Net At the top of a small log is on the back in the shuffle for the active people so they Apple and if I did feel in the elemental effects at K Natalie is the make no I know this Garner made not just cactus anything flashing only in Connecticut are poorand nearly empty that me to the book me that if I can laugh at half ice over fast onionand fit in the most I can add that was in a boozeand lets them all down right to circulate barsand the don’t evolve our vessel before going to cut out at the kiosk at Adonijah the at the Kennedys increased please we we know provinces are going to be in territoriesand the important part just as different provinces choose different regimes around telling alcohol different places my choose different approachesand outward to work withand that’s why we’ve been talking about it taxand since the election are we giving people a yearand had heads up with this task force that went around the country that we are giving for the legislation at this time provinces have well over a year now close to 15 months to put in place their system that seems that the province chooses not to there will still be a way through the the federally regulated system for people in every corner this country to to that purchase marijuana get is one of the things that time that I’ve heard a lot from from leveling it now I think you’re right you with teenagers know how to get their hands on joints now that the teachers don’t don’t think he plans thereof as often as they shut there’s a lot of places people people the highest per capita users in the world in Canada legal marijuanaand getting someone in the dispensary the issue with with getting it from a friend about from a friend organized crime is as we thought we follow the interaction most law abiding Canadians have with criminalsand many law abiding Canadians have criminals isand purchasing three 3380 incorporate long termand medical marijuana the vision possible when you’re candlesticks seem to be right to the company acted two things in the great question first when you mention medical marijuana right now the medical marijuana system which I we’ve heard you all sorts of people how certain certain aspects of marijuana is really good for certain conditions on the medical marijuana system that exists in Canada will stay in for the coming years right now however the medical marijuana is the only system is the only illegal system also for recreational useand a lot of people are getting recreational marijuana through medical marijuana system so once we’ve created opportunities for adults to purchase marijuana recreational use legally on that take a lot of pressure off of the medical marijuana systemand will be able to make better determination to to support medical marijuana usersand producersand the research that needs to continue going onand so Ray had those two things is going to radically transform your the the environment in which medical marijuana currently works only in regards to license producers in itand it’s really good that you’re highlighting what were looking at is licensing the production of marijuana provinces will determine whether there so it sold to dispensaries or whether it sold to you liquor board serve the full board like have Ontario that the various approaches will be done by the promises but were going to regulate producers I’m sure there will be in there already have indications that there are going to be big corporate style players but at the same time we are very very much focused on taking shut there’s a market is going to need needsand interests of Canadians that I know I Canadians like you regardless of the big corporate beers people like the microbrews we we know that people that I want to choose organic or low pesticides or a particular this particular that Amir is going to be an opportunity for small producers to get regulatedand to to act itself as a part time meetingand the line are disproportionately peaceful nonviolent keeper Jody I think people should understand that you are coming at this from a different perspective on you’re coming at it from lifestyle in a business choice I’m coming at it from a public policyand safetyand health choice health approach we have a system working on it hurting Canadians it’s hurting minoritiesand turning young people the current system doesn’t work to protect our communities to protect our kids will need to change that we will change that we will change the law or taking the time necessary to get it right as we seen in places where it hasn’t exactly gone right on the we can learn fromand out we will move forward in a thoughtful way on on fixing past wrongs that happen because of this is that this erroneous law that I didn’t put in placeand I’m working hard to fix the site review legal justice away from the little dog away from his whole life to helping people is at least in you ever wanted to pay I would be so sure if healthcare reached out to the company that already exists like this you want to do is to write what is highly love to discern the same work for to us where the future now or will already a problem for one of the things in in the title Candyland you’re highlighting it there’s a lot of concerns about access by kids to ediblesand there’s a lot of concerns about about learning from Coloradoand elsewhere on the challengesand that so we haven’t had any she said the future that I agree but we don’t yet have full confidence that we know what regulated framework around edibles will look like on what it look like five years know what to look for like 10 years from now we have to get it right is a huge amount of pressure on this out were taking a big step towards actual legalization of cannabisand it’s in sat oil formsand dried forms were to be working on it within new at the new frameworkand it’s in the future but again were focusing on getting it right so people concerned about the marijuana harm reduction risk of the best known as a member of rat that is a personal connection marijuana is a my wife had breast cancerand sheand she had a vasectomyand then okay chemo than vasectomyand thenand then radiationand I in night in a community that cc using cannabis for further pain inand actually off of all opiatesand only using cannabis for nerve is brilliant but she so in the community going to chemo a lot of a lot of people use use this this cannabis for for a lot of different medical reasons to help them with with all kinds of things now with LPs the these license producers getting caught with with different pesticides different mill duesand things like that are extremely harmful for these people that have other at their their most vulnerable communityand I’m just wondering how can the government be be back make sure that they are to take care of the health of of people I absolutely appreciate what you’re saying I’ve heard stories like that all across the country that have built that’s why the current medical marijuana regime will stay in place exactly so how your wife is accessing her medical marijuana right now will continue beyond the legalization framework that were beingand for recreational we are not going to be moving reducing or limiting in any way the medical marijuana field we just know that right now medical marijuana on top of being used by people for radical prescription purposes are on is also test for someone who would just as happily by legally for recreational uses or or minor uses were legal so we know that were accidentally removing a lot of pressure from the medical marijuana system which will allow it to better serve a more look like the did the responsibility of the LPsand that the guidelines for them to make sure that it’s safe for for for people is her leg is there any way to ensure that these people were to be using cannabis that could potentially at their most vulnerable right like there there there at their most vulnerable in their community night is what makes you that’s can be safe again at the medical use of marijuana is going to continue in the way around license producers health Canada is going to regulate all license producers the way we regulate at any any broad range of consumer product I were going to make sure that they’re being properly madeand their concerns are of mold or mildewand I got there will be immediate consequencesand people will as an indigenous person going on knowing about a grassy Narrows knowing about you suicide knowing about like water problems I just I want to know how I can make trust these promises of of health for these people I understand the concernsand that’s one of the reasons why working to make sure that were listening to indigenous peoplesand giving opportunities for indigenous communities to access the license producer regime we know that we have to make sure their license producers right across the country at different communities have access to itand I noticed in definite workaround ensuring that indigenous producers are going to have an opportunity to be part of the at the legal that legalize fishing that’s that’s one of the things that were definitely looking within a legalized framework were going to be able to do the kind of research that hasn’t been properly undertook to to determine exactly what what can we anecdotally an awful lot of people in the medical marijuana community I believe very strongly I think it’s a great opportunity to actually advance medical science by understanding the medical system community has a very powerful drugs up for acute short term pain don’t have a lot of great drugs for chronic low grade but very young laying out long term pain marijuana is often prescribed exactly for that having better knowledge better understanding of that is entirely what were going to be able to do on the flipside it would we talked briefly about revenueand revenue is not part of it continues at a similar example there is no wait time for anyone searching for gambling addiction treatment on anyone who has a gambling addiction can get treatment very reasonably straightforward way because part of the profits from legal gambling is put into addiction addiction treatment programs similarly some of the revenue from from legalizingand taxing marijuana I will certainly go into research go into treatment go into support for a for people struggling with challenges welland this latest user guide is a trial based harm reduction worker that I have a question can’t turn again to action supporting people the past we crisis last time frame around 30 people working ranch can’t hear you are 14 peopleand four people every day to be but every day hereand tear a lot country keeper Jack dressed people’s belief in a contributing to your current plans are to we Christians units to Prime Minister you are to first of all thank you for the amazing work youand sat across the country doing youand I sat down on couple times now with front line workersand experts in in the lower East side Vancouver to talk directly about thisand the number the recommendation they asked for we brought in we made a number of changes easier to bring in prescription heroin into this country so that it can access that the people people who need it will have access to the that responsible at presenters like Eric you are definitely things that we can do is more that we can do however we made a commitmentand we got a mandate to legalize marijuana kept our kids to protect Canadians to make sure that were removing the criminal elements from from that were moving ahead on that I will moving in different ways on on on other grounds whether it’s for safe consumption sites letters better access to prescription opioidsand an even heroin there are things we can do that are helping but I agree it’s a crisisand we need to do bulk transfer flash resource is the only box the country prescriptions are not that resources the best preventionand people you are doingand her job people keep completely traumatized resources do I wear to you Mr Prime Minister you selected a minor in parts of the drive we pray you can’t get people did you hear about the product or delivering on healthcare we spending millions of dollars we we are spending tens of millions of dollars but I know there is more to do we will be doing more to support including supporting the front line workers who left spoke into whether it’s paramedics or or I or at front line support workersand reduction site who are going to PTSD because there are so many people dying on the we absolutely need to do more to support you more to support respond to this crisisand we are doing well your way to war were continuing to make sure that the safety of Canadians paramountand that we make decisions like unlike previous government were moving far out why we had reversed at previous decisions to to ban prescription heroin from coming to the country that we are listed we took took on locks they off the prescription sweep done significant things to move in the right direction will continue to work with front line front line activistsand advocates who are seeing this terrible crisis are things we can do internationally as well work with China to help stem the tide of fentanyl a car for an hour coordinating with youand I were doing a number of things but I agree it’s not getting that’s why working so closely with the provincesand municipalities of which there are moreand more to make sure that we get tag at this this public health emergency control well I’m not there yet or exhale the we all respect was respectedand people are working on the frontline I also worked on the front a different capacity but the evidence is is not strong that that simply making these drugs legally available is the answerand interspersed there’s a one simple solutionand that’s why our government does is looking at the best advice of experts in the evidence looking at certainly supply addictions important were doing work with our international partners demand reduction treatment research prevention rehabilitation contact is my calling my former colleagues in cities across the country they tell me that there’s virtually no rehabilitation bets no detox beds available to them as one of the reasonsand I’m so proud that our government made a commitment we recognize that there’s revenue opportunities in the our plan to legalizeand regulate cannabisand we made commitments to make investments in in Internet research which is so important in treatment in rehabilitationand treatmentand endand services on the front line that will save lots this are our intent is to do this by July 1 unnecessarily on July 1 there were a number of people nicely concerned about the impact of of doing this on the day in which we celebrate the birth of the country but didn’t change your intent of the government’s intent was always to get this work done I July 1 that’s our target without a great deal of work to do but it is a reasonable targetand we we can afford to drag our feet there is too much risk to our kids too much risk to our communities we made a commitmentand an tell you there’s a consensus across the country that we must do better we can do betterand that’s our commitmentand when we believe that if we all work hard together we get it done by July 1 how here in Birminghamand I were on the Jack Daniels that Michael than I am marijuana legal or as you said earlier he’s the most boring guy in the country on this I got beatand Iand I know that inand friendly I have no intention of using this drug personally but I will celebrate if were successful in doing a better job protecting her kids in her community that we were suffering I was arguing with the present of Uruguay at his farm as elementary to US legalize marijuana interior lighting getting ready for legalizeand regulate weed across the country from seed to smoke so we can figure out how to pull this off igneous lover’s paradise for only regulated cash crop the government in December 2013 Uruguay’s Congress passed a law that regulated the cultivation saleand consumption of marijuana was a watershed moment in history more potential new legitimate economy is an entirely legal from December until April of this year the government meetingand writing the specifics of the regulation which will likely be sentenced down in late Apriland take affect small turns out the devil is in the detailsand a lot of it is more questions than answers about individual liberty the prospect of a commercial we boomand more of the great Uruguayan experiment brought forward by the country’s progressive president has stirred up a heated debate from both sides of the anti prohibition I’ll at least make Hestiaand Danielle the dart are long time we advocatesand academics lease it was just released from prison where she spent three months locked up on marijuana charges she was one of the last people to be put away for pot we visit them in their home just outside the country’s capital is so awesome regarding the above looking for is from a is an online so you think the government will be terribleand growing weed is going to the is surveyand how many you don’t want to register because you want the government to know what you’re doing okay okay fascinating Fridayand so the get a clinician who said that the Chinook attendedand will change your little letter that I will you just being paranoid years of forced criminality soured her on the very first law or is your latest need to give it a tryand go from there the big question is how does the concept of individual liberty against the government’s desire to regulate the rollout of full legalization we went to the office of Julio comes outand he’s the Secretary General of the national commission of drugs a guy who’s actually writing the regulations away goes alongand glad itand pay claims on your victory month there were now in a manner condo your socialite is a mighty wind they cannot donated by Katie as a secondary frame looking at Emily dataand Is inadequate formation is anyway SMEand Susan secretary Calvin’s office has crafted the rules if you’re over 18 only three ways you really want to grow yourselfand if you do you’ll be with six plans to buy pharmacy can only die 40 g a monthand the price will be fixed in a dollar a gramand three you a couple friends can form a club developed a 99 plans for your own personal use medical researchand development will be spearheaded by the government but the question remains will actually grow all the weeds sold in pharmaciesand most importantly how will the black market we’d actually be stamped out whatever you choose you will have to write your name down in a central registry that will forever mark you as a good for nothing next ownerand the law only applies to citizens of Uruguay tourists cannot buy weed weed smoking is nothing new in Uruguay where was all that we coming fromand how did Uruguay function in the broader South American illicit drug economy Seattle garage as a journalist has written a book about drugsand Uruguay we paid a visit to talk about what kind of lead Uruguayans are actually smoking I shadow eye candy Odyssey I see a lawyer life is how as we I got this by by Dawn Soto to wipe out a little okay Iand a Uruguay has been tacitly supporting the black markets into legalize using the 70s but in raw numbers a black market is not a problem Uruguay is a tiny country the population of about 34 million people in only 8 of Uruguayand admit to smoking weed for legalization activistsand growers like one vase bringing black market growing out into the open holds great promise that wanted to take us to the underground indoor grow out here in Montevideo which is still tightly legal by represent a growing culture of been here in the city so this right here is Paraguayand should bring weed like really only 70 can find on the street so one of the reasons why legalization is so hot right now is people want to get better weand what better way of doing thatand growing your own well very dailyand in all the way toand you is inand what is the freedom of legalizationand the restrictions of regulation are some ways you sides of the same coin we Montevideoand headed out to Carnaval beach town to see what young people think about registering with the governmentand in the legal were going ape shit. SO EXECUTIVE ABOUT WHAT TO DO TO BE PART OF COMMUNITY IF YOU LIKE AS A COMMUNITY MAKE THE COMMUNITY CENTER THAT THEY CAN WORK ON A BLOCK IN A MAN LISTEN ANYTIME AGAINST THE SECURITY ALL NEIGHBORHOOD NOR THE MAIN RESOURCE QUALIFICATION IS AS HOT AS IT IS JESUS THAT SHOULD BE NO WAY TO SIGNAL TO BE GUS COMMUNITY AS WE WAS WORKING AS WE DO WHEN SOMEONE IS TRYING TO BRING DOWN WHAT I MEAN ON ALL MINISTRIES SHOULD BE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY ABOUT WHAT CAN WE DO HAVE WE KNOW SOME OF THESE ARE THINGS BASKETBALL TEAMS WE START THINKING ABOUT ALL THAT POWER CAN BE POSITIVE Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt Inequality instead and sharing with percussion returned to you next week of quite over the Republicans turned for their convention when we know we don’t know very much the community where the ticket because it would again each night I the president not only check in speech next Thursday on the White House beyond all day until in October and sources present in all the slots in one of the reasons why is that they are watching very closely what Democrats are doing what works and what has not worked for them as both parties really struggle to adopt this virtual convention in Miami in each of the creditors on and more start planning their own connection decide to a Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt virtual before the president in movies convention from Charlotte Jacksonville is trying to in person gathering for last months of bowing to the inevitable and shifting online so that the public facilitator advantage in his A can see what works and what doesn’t work and this is what you seem to be in operating a much shorter time scale so what is ACC. Can make maze of a PR individual giants today yesterdayand that these are not doing that now before we always begins to leave now. I really think he works so well Chris Hemsworth works Ruffalo works for work outside the MCU but he hasn’t as far as box office hours go yet I agree with you I saw that for the Hugo boss colonial evidently why is not the most famous movie star on the planet he’s got all the good secrets Hemsworth movies he better than Lamb know why but the grosses having smell maybe just the quality the movie was okay with you is just a leader only has more diesel sometimes Pretty Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt For Men and Women Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt More than Hot other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Tony Evers mask order outlaw going into effect on August 1 he also said that every DNR employee must wear a Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt mask even while on a teleconference while also wearing a mask even if you are home to participate in a virtual meeting that involves being seen such as on Zoom or another videoconference platform by not DNR staff person calls said according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others see this is the same bullshit that the CDC set where mask is a talisman to remind everybody else to be aware of the pandemic so it’s got nothing to do at your health it’s got nothing to do it you safety it’s all about control because all the science shows that is not about you out nobody it is they can produce one scientific study that proves that mass work but guess what I was able to find another scientific study from Duke University that proves not only the mask mask don’t work but they call cause physical harm now and I can go do it in detail but I’m in a show you little excerpt from Evers executive order said that. Net At the top of a small log is on the back in the shuffle for the active people so they Apple and if I did feel in the elemental effects at K Natalie is the make no I know this Garner made not just cactus anything flashing only in Connecticut are poorand nearly empty that me to the book me that if I can laugh at half ice over fast onionand fit in the most I can add that was in a boozeand lets them all down right to circulate barsand the don’t evolve our vessel before going to cut out at the kiosk at Adonijah the at the Kennedys increased please we we know provinces are going to be in territoriesand the important part just as different provinces choose different regimes around telling alcohol different places my choose different approachesand outward to work withand that’s why we’ve been talking about it taxand since the election are we giving people a yearand had heads up with this task force that went around the country that we are giving for the legislation at this time provinces have well over a year now close to 15 months to put in place their system that seems that the province chooses not to there will still be a way through the the federally regulated system for people in every corner this country to to that purchase marijuana get is one of the things that time that I’ve heard a lot from from leveling it now I think you’re right you with teenagers know how to get their hands on joints now that the teachers don’t don’t think he plans thereof as often as they shut there’s a lot of places people people the highest per capita users in the world in Canada legal marijuanaand getting someone in the dispensary the issue with with getting it from a friend about from a friend organized crime is as we thought we follow the interaction most law abiding Canadians have with criminalsand many law abiding Canadians have criminals isand purchasing three 3380 incorporate long termand medical marijuana the vision possible when you’re candlesticks seem to be right to the company acted two things in the great question first when you mention medical marijuana right now the medical marijuana system which I we’ve heard you all sorts of people how certain certain aspects of marijuana is really good for certain conditions on the medical marijuana system that exists in Canada will stay in for the coming years right now however the medical marijuana is the only system is the only illegal system also for recreational useand a lot of people are getting recreational marijuana through medical marijuana system so once we’ve created opportunities for adults to purchase marijuana recreational use legally on that take a lot of pressure off of the medical marijuana systemand will be able to make better determination to to support medical marijuana usersand producersand the research that needs to continue going onand so Ray had those two things is going to radically transform your the the environment in which medical marijuana currently works only in regards to license producers in itand it’s really good that you’re highlighting what were looking at is licensing the production of marijuana provinces will determine whether there so it sold to dispensaries or whether it sold to you liquor board serve the full board like have Ontario that the various approaches will be done by the promises but were going to regulate producers I’m sure there will be in there already have indications that there are going to be big corporate style players but at the same time we are very very much focused on taking shut there’s a market is going to need needsand interests of Canadians that I know I Canadians like you regardless of the big corporate beers people like the microbrews we we know that people that I want to choose organic or low pesticides or a particular this particular that Amir is going to be an opportunity for small producers to get regulatedand to to act itself as a part time meetingand the line are disproportionately peaceful nonviolent keeper Jody I think people should understand that you are coming at this from a different perspective on you’re coming at it from lifestyle in a business choice I’m coming at it from a public policyand safetyand health choice health approach we have a system working on it hurting Canadians it’s hurting minoritiesand turning young people the current system doesn’t work to protect our communities to protect our kids will need to change that we will change that we will change the law or taking the time necessary to get it right as we seen in places where it hasn’t exactly gone right on the we can learn fromand out we will move forward in a thoughtful way on on fixing past wrongs that happen because of this is that this erroneous law that I didn’t put in placeand I’m working hard to fix the site review legal justice away from the little dog away from his whole life to helping people is at least in you ever wanted to pay I would be so sure if healthcare reached out to the company that already exists like this you want to do is to write what is highly love to discern the same work for to us where the future now or will already a problem for one of the things in in the title Candyland you’re highlighting it there’s a lot of concerns about access by kids to ediblesand there’s a lot of concerns about about learning from Coloradoand elsewhere on the challengesand that so we haven’t had any she said the future that I agree but we don’t yet have full confidence that we know what regulated framework around edibles will look like on what it look like five years know what to look for like 10 years from now we have to get it right is a huge amount of pressure on this out were taking a big step towards actual legalization of cannabisand it’s in sat oil formsand dried forms were to be working on it within new at the new frameworkand it’s in the future but again were focusing on getting it right so people concerned about the marijuana harm reduction risk of the best known as a member of rat that is a personal connection marijuana is a my wife had breast cancerand sheand she had a vasectomyand then okay chemo than vasectomyand thenand then radiationand I in night in a community that cc using cannabis for further pain inand actually off of all opiatesand only using cannabis for nerve is brilliant but she so in the community going to chemo a lot of a lot of people use use this this cannabis for for a lot of different medical reasons to help them with with all kinds of things now with LPs the these license producers getting caught with with different pesticides different mill duesand things like that are extremely harmful for these people that have other at their their most vulnerable communityand I’m just wondering how can the government be be back make sure that they are to take care of the health of of people I absolutely appreciate what you’re saying I’ve heard stories like that all across the country that have built that’s why the current medical marijuana regime will stay in place exactly so how your wife is accessing her medical marijuana right now will continue beyond the legalization framework that were beingand for recreational we are not going to be moving reducing or limiting in any way the medical marijuana field we just know that right now medical marijuana on top of being used by people for radical prescription purposes are on is also test for someone who would just as happily by legally for recreational uses or or minor uses were legal so we know that were accidentally removing a lot of pressure from the medical marijuana system which will allow it to better serve a more look like the did the responsibility of the LPsand that the guidelines for them to make sure that it’s safe for for for people is her leg is there any way to ensure that these people were to be using cannabis that could potentially at their most vulnerable right like there there there at their most vulnerable in their community night is what makes you that’s can be safe again at the medical use of marijuana is going to continue in the way around license producers health Canada is going to regulate all license producers the way we regulate at any any broad range of consumer product I were going to make sure that they’re being properly madeand their concerns are of mold or mildewand I got there will be immediate consequencesand people will as an indigenous person going on knowing about a grassy Narrows knowing about you suicide knowing about like water problems I just I want to know how I can make trust these promises of of health for these people I understand the concernsand that’s one of the reasons why working to make sure that were listening to indigenous peoplesand giving opportunities for indigenous communities to access the license producer regime we know that we have to make sure their license producers right across the country at different communities have access to itand I noticed in definite workaround ensuring that indigenous producers are going to have an opportunity to be part of the at the legal that legalize fishing that’s that’s one of the things that were definitely looking within a legalized framework were going to be able to do the kind of research that hasn’t been properly undertook to to determine exactly what what can we anecdotally an awful lot of people in the medical marijuana community I believe very strongly I think it’s a great opportunity to actually advance medical science by understanding the medical system community has a very powerful drugs up for acute short term pain don’t have a lot of great drugs for chronic low grade but very young laying out long term pain marijuana is often prescribed exactly for that having better knowledge better understanding of that is entirely what were going to be able to do on the flipside it would we talked briefly about revenueand revenue is not part of it continues at a similar example there is no wait time for anyone searching for gambling addiction treatment on anyone who has a gambling addiction can get treatment very reasonably straightforward way because part of the profits from legal gambling is put into addiction addiction treatment programs similarly some of the revenue from from legalizingand taxing marijuana I will certainly go into research go into treatment go into support for a for people struggling with challenges welland this latest user guide is a trial based harm reduction worker that I have a question can’t turn again to action supporting people the past we crisis last time frame around 30 people working ranch can’t hear you are 14 peopleand four people every day to be but every day hereand tear a lot country keeper Jack dressed people’s belief in a contributing to your current plans are to we Christians units to Prime Minister you are to first of all thank you for the amazing work youand sat across the country doing youand I sat down on couple times now with front line workersand experts in in the lower East side Vancouver to talk directly about thisand the number the recommendation they asked for we brought in we made a number of changes easier to bring in prescription heroin into this country so that it can access that the people people who need it will have access to the that responsible at presenters like Eric you are definitely things that we can do is more that we can do however we made a commitmentand we got a mandate to legalize marijuana kept our kids to protect Canadians to make sure that were removing the criminal elements from from that were moving ahead on that I will moving in different ways on on on other grounds whether it’s for safe consumption sites letters better access to prescription opioidsand an even heroin there are things we can do that are helping but I agree it’s a crisisand we need to do bulk transfer flash resource is the only box the country prescriptions are not that resources the best preventionand people you are doingand her job people keep completely traumatized resources do I wear to you Mr Prime Minister you selected a minor in parts of the drive we pray you can’t get people did you hear about the product or delivering on healthcare we spending millions of dollars we we are spending tens of millions of dollars but I know there is more to do we will be doing more to support including supporting the front line workers who left spoke into whether it’s paramedics or or I or at front line support workersand reduction site who are going to PTSD because there are so many people dying on the we absolutely need to do more to support you more to support respond to this crisisand we are doing well your way to war were continuing to make sure that the safety of Canadians paramountand that we make decisions like unlike previous government were moving far out why we had reversed at previous decisions to to ban prescription heroin from coming to the country that we are listed we took took on locks they off the prescription sweep done significant things to move in the right direction will continue to work with front line front line activistsand advocates who are seeing this terrible crisis are things we can do internationally as well work with China to help stem the tide of fentanyl a car for an hour coordinating with youand I were doing a number of things but I agree it’s not getting that’s why working so closely with the provincesand municipalities of which there are moreand more to make sure that we get tag at this this public health emergency control well I’m not there yet or exhale the we all respect was respectedand people are working on the frontline I also worked on the front a different capacity but the evidence is is not strong that that simply making these drugs legally available is the answerand interspersed there’s a one simple solutionand that’s why our government does is looking at the best advice of experts in the evidence looking at certainly supply addictions important were doing work with our international partners demand reduction treatment research prevention rehabilitation contact is my calling my former colleagues in cities across the country they tell me that there’s virtually no rehabilitation bets no detox beds available to them as one of the reasonsand I’m so proud that our government made a commitment we recognize that there’s revenue opportunities in the our plan to legalizeand regulate cannabisand we made commitments to make investments in in Internet research which is so important in treatment in rehabilitationand treatmentand endand services on the front line that will save lots this are our intent is to do this by July 1 unnecessarily on July 1 there were a number of people nicely concerned about the impact of of doing this on the day in which we celebrate the birth of the country but didn’t change your intent of the government’s intent was always to get this work done I July 1 that’s our target without a great deal of work to do but it is a reasonable targetand we we can afford to drag our feet there is too much risk to our kids too much risk to our communities we made a commitmentand an tell you there’s a consensus across the country that we must do better we can do betterand that’s our commitmentand when we believe that if we all work hard together we get it done by July 1 how here in Birminghamand I were on the Jack Daniels that Michael than I am marijuana legal or as you said earlier he’s the most boring guy in the country on this I got beatand Iand I know that inand friendly I have no intention of using this drug personally but I will celebrate if were successful in doing a better job protecting her kids in her community that we were suffering I was arguing with the present of Uruguay at his farm as elementary to US legalize marijuana interior lighting getting ready for legalizeand regulate weed across the country from seed to smoke so we can figure out how to pull this off igneous lover’s paradise for only regulated cash crop the government in December 2013 Uruguay’s Congress passed a law that regulated the cultivation saleand consumption of marijuana was a watershed moment in history more potential new legitimate economy is an entirely legal from December until April of this year the government meetingand writing the specifics of the regulation which will likely be sentenced down in late Apriland take affect small turns out the devil is in the detailsand a lot of it is more questions than answers about individual liberty the prospect of a commercial we boomand more of the great Uruguayan experiment brought forward by the country’s progressive president has stirred up a heated debate from both sides of the anti prohibition I’ll at least make Hestiaand Danielle the dart are long time we advocatesand academics lease it was just released from prison where she spent three months locked up on marijuana charges she was one of the last people to be put away for pot we visit them in their home just outside the country’s capital is so awesome regarding the above looking for is from a is an online so you think the government will be terribleand growing weed is going to the is surveyand how many you don’t want to register because you want the government to know what you’re doing okay okay fascinating Fridayand so the get a clinician who said that the Chinook attendedand will change your little letter that I will you just being paranoid years of forced criminality soured her on the very first law or is your latest need to give it a tryand go from there the big question is how does the concept of individual liberty against the government’s desire to regulate the rollout of full legalization we went to the office of Julio comes outand he’s the Secretary General of the national commission of drugs a guy who’s actually writing the regulations away goes alongand glad itand pay claims on your victory month there were now in a manner condo your socialite is a mighty wind they cannot donated by Katie as a secondary frame looking at Emily dataand Is inadequate formation is anyway SMEand Susan secretary Calvin’s office has crafted the rules if you’re over 18 only three ways you really want to grow yourselfand if you do you’ll be with six plans to buy pharmacy can only die 40 g a monthand the price will be fixed in a dollar a gramand three you a couple friends can form a club developed a 99 plans for your own personal use medical researchand development will be spearheaded by the government but the question remains will actually grow all the weeds sold in pharmaciesand most importantly how will the black market we’d actually be stamped out whatever you choose you will have to write your name down in a central registry that will forever mark you as a good for nothing next ownerand the law only applies to citizens of Uruguay tourists cannot buy weed weed smoking is nothing new in Uruguay where was all that we coming fromand how did Uruguay function in the broader South American illicit drug economy Seattle garage as a journalist has written a book about drugsand Uruguay we paid a visit to talk about what kind of lead Uruguayans are actually smoking I shadow eye candy Odyssey I see a lawyer life is how as we I got this by by Dawn Soto to wipe out a little okay Iand a Uruguay has been tacitly supporting the black markets into legalize using the 70s but in raw numbers a black market is not a problem Uruguay is a tiny country the population of about 34 million people in only 8 of Uruguayand admit to smoking weed for legalization activistsand growers like one vase bringing black market growing out into the open holds great promise that wanted to take us to the underground indoor grow out here in Montevideo which is still tightly legal by represent a growing culture of been here in the city so this right here is Paraguayand should bring weed like really only 70 can find on the street so one of the reasons why legalization is so hot right now is people want to get better weand what better way of doing thatand growing your own well very dailyand in all the way toand you is inand what is the freedom of legalizationand the restrictions of regulation are some ways you sides of the same coin we Montevideoand headed out to Carnaval beach town to see what young people think about registering with the governmentand in the legal were going ape shit. SO EXECUTIVE ABOUT WHAT TO DO TO BE PART OF COMMUNITY IF YOU LIKE AS A COMMUNITY MAKE THE COMMUNITY CENTER THAT THEY CAN WORK ON A BLOCK IN A MAN LISTEN ANYTIME AGAINST THE SECURITY ALL NEIGHBORHOOD NOR THE MAIN RESOURCE QUALIFICATION IS AS HOT AS IT IS JESUS THAT SHOULD BE NO WAY TO SIGNAL TO BE GUS COMMUNITY AS WE WAS WORKING AS WE DO WHEN SOMEONE IS TRYING TO BRING DOWN WHAT I MEAN ON ALL MINISTRIES SHOULD BE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY ABOUT WHAT CAN WE DO HAVE WE KNOW SOME OF THESE ARE THINGS BASKETBALL TEAMS WE START THINKING ABOUT ALL THAT POWER CAN BE POSITIVE

Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt - from wiki-store.info 1

Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt - from wiki-store.info 1

Inequality instead and sharing with percussion returned to you next week of quite over the Republicans turned for their convention when we know we don’t know very much the community where the ticket because it would again each night I the president not only check in speech next Thursday on the White House beyond all day until in October and sources present in all the slots in one of the reasons why is that they are watching very closely what Democrats are doing what works and what has not worked for them as both parties really struggle to adopt this virtual convention in Miami in each of the creditors on and more start planning their own connection decide to a Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt virtual before the president in movies convention from Charlotte Jacksonville is trying to in person gathering for last months of bowing to the inevitable and shifting online so that the public facilitator advantage in his A can see what works and what doesn’t work and this is what you seem to be in operating a much shorter time scale so what is ACC. Can make maze of a PR individual giants today yesterdayand that these are not doing that now before we always begins to leave now. I really think he works so well Chris Hemsworth works Ruffalo works for work outside the MCU but he hasn’t as far as box office hours go yet I agree with you I saw that for the Hugo boss colonial evidently why is not the most famous movie star on the planet he’s got all the good secrets Hemsworth movies he better than Lamb know why but the grosses having smell maybe just the quality the movie was okay with you is just a leader only has more diesel sometimes Pretty Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt For Men and Women Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt More than Hot other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Tony Evers mask order outlaw going into effect on August 1 he also said that every DNR employee must wear a Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt mask even while on a teleconference while also wearing a mask even if you are home to participate in a virtual meeting that involves being seen such as on Zoom or another videoconference platform by not DNR staff person calls said according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others see this is the same bullshit that the CDC set where mask is a talisman to remind everybody else to be aware of the pandemic so it’s got nothing to do at your health it’s got nothing to do it you safety it’s all about control because all the science shows that is not about you out nobody it is they can produce one scientific study that proves that mass work but guess what I was able to find another scientific study from Duke University that proves not only the mask mask don’t work but they call cause physical harm now and I can go do it in detail but I’m in a show you little excerpt from Evers executive order said that. Net At the top of a small log is on the back in the shuffle for the active people so they Apple and if I did feel in the elemental effects at K Natalie is the make no I know this Garner made not just cactus anything flashing only in Connecticut are poorand nearly empty that me to the book me that if I can laugh at half ice over fast onionand fit in the most I can add that was in a boozeand lets them all down right to circulate barsand the don’t evolve our vessel before going to cut out at the kiosk at Adonijah the at the Kennedys increased please we we know provinces are going to be in territoriesand the important part just as different provinces choose different regimes around telling alcohol different places my choose different approachesand outward to work withand that’s why we’ve been talking about it taxand since the election are we giving people a yearand had heads up with this task force that went around the country that we are giving for the legislation at this time provinces have well over a year now close to 15 months to put in place their system that seems that the province chooses not to there will still be a way through the the federally regulated system for people in every corner this country to to that purchase marijuana get is one of the things that time that I’ve heard a lot from from leveling it now I think you’re right you with teenagers know how to get their hands on joints now that the teachers don’t don’t think he plans thereof as often as they shut there’s a lot of places people people the highest per capita users in the world in Canada legal marijuanaand getting someone in the dispensary the issue with with getting it from a friend about from a friend organized crime is as we thought we follow the interaction most law abiding Canadians have with criminalsand many law abiding Canadians have criminals isand purchasing three 3380 incorporate long termand medical marijuana the vision possible when you’re candlesticks seem to be right to the company acted two things in the great question first when you mention medical marijuana right now the medical marijuana system which I we’ve heard you all sorts of people how certain certain aspects of marijuana is really good for certain conditions on the medical marijuana system that exists in Canada will stay in for the coming years right now however the medical marijuana is the only system is the only illegal system also for recreational useand a lot of people are getting recreational marijuana through medical marijuana system so once we’ve created opportunities for adults to purchase marijuana recreational use legally on that take a lot of pressure off of the medical marijuana systemand will be able to make better determination to to support medical marijuana usersand producersand the research that needs to continue going onand so Ray had those two things is going to radically transform your the the environment in which medical marijuana currently works only in regards to license producers in itand it’s really good that you’re highlighting what were looking at is licensing the production of marijuana provinces will determine whether there so it sold to dispensaries or whether it sold to you liquor board serve the full board like have Ontario that the various approaches will be done by the promises but were going to regulate producers I’m sure there will be in there already have indications that there are going to be big corporate style players but at the same time we are very very much focused on taking shut there’s a market is going to need needsand interests of Canadians that I know I Canadians like you regardless of the big corporate beers people like the microbrews we we know that people that I want to choose organic or low pesticides or a particular this particular that Amir is going to be an opportunity for small producers to get regulatedand to to act itself as a part time meetingand the line are disproportionately peaceful nonviolent keeper Jody I think people should understand that you are coming at this from a different perspective on you’re coming at it from lifestyle in a business choice I’m coming at it from a public policyand safetyand health choice health approach we have a system working on it hurting Canadians it’s hurting minoritiesand turning young people the current system doesn’t work to protect our communities to protect our kids will need to change that we will change that we will change the law or taking the time necessary to get it right as we seen in places where it hasn’t exactly gone right on the we can learn fromand out we will move forward in a thoughtful way on on fixing past wrongs that happen because of this is that this erroneous law that I didn’t put in placeand I’m working hard to fix the site review legal justice away from the little dog away from his whole life to helping people is at least in you ever wanted to pay I would be so sure if healthcare reached out to the company that already exists like this you want to do is to write what is highly love to discern the same work for to us where the future now or will already a problem for one of the things in in the title Candyland you’re highlighting it there’s a lot of concerns about access by kids to ediblesand there’s a lot of concerns about about learning from Coloradoand elsewhere on the challengesand that so we haven’t had any she said the future that I agree but we don’t yet have full confidence that we know what regulated framework around edibles will look like on what it look like five years know what to look for like 10 years from now we have to get it right is a huge amount of pressure on this out were taking a big step towards actual legalization of cannabisand it’s in sat oil formsand dried forms were to be working on it within new at the new frameworkand it’s in the future but again were focusing on getting it right so people concerned about the marijuana harm reduction risk of the best known as a member of rat that is a personal connection marijuana is a my wife had breast cancerand sheand she had a vasectomyand then okay chemo than vasectomyand thenand then radiationand I in night in a community that cc using cannabis for further pain inand actually off of all opiatesand only using cannabis for nerve is brilliant but she so in the community going to chemo a lot of a lot of people use use this this cannabis for for a lot of different medical reasons to help them with with all kinds of things now with LPs the these license producers getting caught with with different pesticides different mill duesand things like that are extremely harmful for these people that have other at their their most vulnerable communityand I’m just wondering how can the government be be back make sure that they are to take care of the health of of people I absolutely appreciate what you’re saying I’ve heard stories like that all across the country that have built that’s why the current medical marijuana regime will stay in place exactly so how your wife is accessing her medical marijuana right now will continue beyond the legalization framework that were beingand for recreational we are not going to be moving reducing or limiting in any way the medical marijuana field we just know that right now medical marijuana on top of being used by people for radical prescription purposes are on is also test for someone who would just as happily by legally for recreational uses or or minor uses were legal so we know that were accidentally removing a lot of pressure from the medical marijuana system which will allow it to better serve a more look like the did the responsibility of the LPsand that the guidelines for them to make sure that it’s safe for for for people is her leg is there any way to ensure that these people were to be using cannabis that could potentially at their most vulnerable right like there there there at their most vulnerable in their community night is what makes you that’s can be safe again at the medical use of marijuana is going to continue in the way around license producers health Canada is going to regulate all license producers the way we regulate at any any broad range of consumer product I were going to make sure that they’re being properly madeand their concerns are of mold or mildewand I got there will be immediate consequencesand people will as an indigenous person going on knowing about a grassy Narrows knowing about you suicide knowing about like water problems I just I want to know how I can make trust these promises of of health for these people I understand the concernsand that’s one of the reasons why working to make sure that were listening to indigenous peoplesand giving opportunities for indigenous communities to access the license producer regime we know that we have to make sure their license producers right across the country at different communities have access to itand I noticed in definite workaround ensuring that indigenous producers are going to have an opportunity to be part of the at the legal that legalize fishing that’s that’s one of the things that were definitely looking within a legalized framework were going to be able to do the kind of research that hasn’t been properly undertook to to determine exactly what what can we anecdotally an awful lot of people in the medical marijuana community I believe very strongly I think it’s a great opportunity to actually advance medical science by understanding the medical system community has a very powerful drugs up for acute short term pain don’t have a lot of great drugs for chronic low grade but very young laying out long term pain marijuana is often prescribed exactly for that having better knowledge better understanding of that is entirely what were going to be able to do on the flipside it would we talked briefly about revenueand revenue is not part of it continues at a similar example there is no wait time for anyone searching for gambling addiction treatment on anyone who has a gambling addiction can get treatment very reasonably straightforward way because part of the profits from legal gambling is put into addiction addiction treatment programs similarly some of the revenue from from legalizingand taxing marijuana I will certainly go into research go into treatment go into support for a for people struggling with challenges welland this latest user guide is a trial based harm reduction worker that I have a question can’t turn again to action supporting people the past we crisis last time frame around 30 people working ranch can’t hear you are 14 peopleand four people every day to be but every day hereand tear a lot country keeper Jack dressed people’s belief in a contributing to your current plans are to we Christians units to Prime Minister you are to first of all thank you for the amazing work youand sat across the country doing youand I sat down on couple times now with front line workersand experts in in the lower East side Vancouver to talk directly about thisand the number the recommendation they asked for we brought in we made a number of changes easier to bring in prescription heroin into this country so that it can access that the people people who need it will have access to the that responsible at presenters like Eric you are definitely things that we can do is more that we can do however we made a commitmentand we got a mandate to legalize marijuana kept our kids to protect Canadians to make sure that were removing the criminal elements from from that were moving ahead on that I will moving in different ways on on on other grounds whether it’s for safe consumption sites letters better access to prescription opioidsand an even heroin there are things we can do that are helping but I agree it’s a crisisand we need to do bulk transfer flash resource is the only box the country prescriptions are not that resources the best preventionand people you are doingand her job people keep completely traumatized resources do I wear to you Mr Prime Minister you selected a minor in parts of the drive we pray you can’t get people did you hear about the product or delivering on healthcare we spending millions of dollars we we are spending tens of millions of dollars but I know there is more to do we will be doing more to support including supporting the front line workers who left spoke into whether it’s paramedics or or I or at front line support workersand reduction site who are going to PTSD because there are so many people dying on the we absolutely need to do more to support you more to support respond to this crisisand we are doing well your way to war were continuing to make sure that the safety of Canadians paramountand that we make decisions like unlike previous government were moving far out why we had reversed at previous decisions to to ban prescription heroin from coming to the country that we are listed we took took on locks they off the prescription sweep done significant things to move in the right direction will continue to work with front line front line activistsand advocates who are seeing this terrible crisis are things we can do internationally as well work with China to help stem the tide of fentanyl a car for an hour coordinating with youand I were doing a number of things but I agree it’s not getting that’s why working so closely with the provincesand municipalities of which there are moreand more to make sure that we get tag at this this public health emergency control well I’m not there yet or exhale the we all respect was respectedand people are working on the frontline I also worked on the front a different capacity but the evidence is is not strong that that simply making these drugs legally available is the answerand interspersed there’s a one simple solutionand that’s why our government does is looking at the best advice of experts in the evidence looking at certainly supply addictions important were doing work with our international partners demand reduction treatment research prevention rehabilitation contact is my calling my former colleagues in cities across the country they tell me that there’s virtually no rehabilitation bets no detox beds available to them as one of the reasonsand I’m so proud that our government made a commitment we recognize that there’s revenue opportunities in the our plan to legalizeand regulate cannabisand we made commitments to make investments in in Internet research which is so important in treatment in rehabilitationand treatmentand endand services on the front line that will save lots this are our intent is to do this by July 1 unnecessarily on July 1 there were a number of people nicely concerned about the impact of of doing this on the day in which we celebrate the birth of the country but didn’t change your intent of the government’s intent was always to get this work done I July 1 that’s our target without a great deal of work to do but it is a reasonable targetand we we can afford to drag our feet there is too much risk to our kids too much risk to our communities we made a commitmentand an tell you there’s a consensus across the country that we must do better we can do betterand that’s our commitmentand when we believe that if we all work hard together we get it done by July 1 how here in Birminghamand I were on the Jack Daniels that Michael than I am marijuana legal or as you said earlier he’s the most boring guy in the country on this I got beatand Iand I know that inand friendly I have no intention of using this drug personally but I will celebrate if were successful in doing a better job protecting her kids in her community that we were suffering I was arguing with the present of Uruguay at his farm as elementary to US legalize marijuana interior lighting getting ready for legalizeand regulate weed across the country from seed to smoke so we can figure out how to pull this off igneous lover’s paradise for only regulated cash crop the government in December 2013 Uruguay’s Congress passed a law that regulated the cultivation saleand consumption of marijuana was a watershed moment in history more potential new legitimate economy is an entirely legal from December until April of this year the government meetingand writing the specifics of the regulation which will likely be sentenced down in late Apriland take affect small turns out the devil is in the detailsand a lot of it is more questions than answers about individual liberty the prospect of a commercial we boomand more of the great Uruguayan experiment brought forward by the country’s progressive president has stirred up a heated debate from both sides of the anti prohibition I’ll at least make Hestiaand Danielle the dart are long time we advocatesand academics lease it was just released from prison where she spent three months locked up on marijuana charges she was one of the last people to be put away for pot we visit them in their home just outside the country’s capital is so awesome regarding the above looking for is from a is an online so you think the government will be terribleand growing weed is going to the is surveyand how many you don’t want to register because you want the government to know what you’re doing okay okay fascinating Fridayand so the get a clinician who said that the Chinook attendedand will change your little letter that I will you just being paranoid years of forced criminality soured her on the very first law or is your latest need to give it a tryand go from there the big question is how does the concept of individual liberty against the government’s desire to regulate the rollout of full legalization we went to the office of Julio comes outand he’s the Secretary General of the national commission of drugs a guy who’s actually writing the regulations away goes alongand glad itand pay claims on your victory month there were now in a manner condo your socialite is a mighty wind they cannot donated by Katie as a secondary frame looking at Emily dataand Is inadequate formation is anyway SMEand Susan secretary Calvin’s office has crafted the rules if you’re over 18 only three ways you really want to grow yourselfand if you do you’ll be with six plans to buy pharmacy can only die 40 g a monthand the price will be fixed in a dollar a gramand three you a couple friends can form a club developed a 99 plans for your own personal use medical researchand development will be spearheaded by the government but the question remains will actually grow all the weeds sold in pharmaciesand most importantly how will the black market we’d actually be stamped out whatever you choose you will have to write your name down in a central registry that will forever mark you as a good for nothing next ownerand the law only applies to citizens of Uruguay tourists cannot buy weed weed smoking is nothing new in Uruguay where was all that we coming fromand how did Uruguay function in the broader South American illicit drug economy Seattle garage as a journalist has written a book about drugsand Uruguay we paid a visit to talk about what kind of lead Uruguayans are actually smoking I shadow eye candy Odyssey I see a lawyer life is how as we I got this by by Dawn Soto to wipe out a little okay Iand a Uruguay has been tacitly supporting the black markets into legalize using the 70s but in raw numbers a black market is not a problem Uruguay is a tiny country the population of about 34 million people in only 8 of Uruguayand admit to smoking weed for legalization activistsand growers like one vase bringing black market growing out into the open holds great promise that wanted to take us to the underground indoor grow out here in Montevideo which is still tightly legal by represent a growing culture of been here in the city so this right here is Paraguayand should bring weed like really only 70 can find on the street so one of the reasons why legalization is so hot right now is people want to get better weand what better way of doing thatand growing your own well very dailyand in all the way toand you is inand what is the freedom of legalizationand the restrictions of regulation are some ways you sides of the same coin we Montevideoand headed out to Carnaval beach town to see what young people think about registering with the governmentand in the legal were going ape shit. SO EXECUTIVE ABOUT WHAT TO DO TO BE PART OF COMMUNITY IF YOU LIKE AS A COMMUNITY MAKE THE COMMUNITY CENTER THAT THEY CAN WORK ON A BLOCK IN A MAN LISTEN ANYTIME AGAINST THE SECURITY ALL NEIGHBORHOOD NOR THE MAIN RESOURCE QUALIFICATION IS AS HOT AS IT IS JESUS THAT SHOULD BE NO WAY TO SIGNAL TO BE GUS COMMUNITY AS WE WAS WORKING AS WE DO WHEN SOMEONE IS TRYING TO BRING DOWN WHAT I MEAN ON ALL MINISTRIES SHOULD BE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY ABOUT WHAT CAN WE DO HAVE WE KNOW SOME OF THESE ARE THINGS BASKETBALL TEAMS WE START THINKING ABOUT ALL THAT POWER CAN BE POSITIVE Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt Inequality instead and sharing with percussion returned to you next week of quite over the Republicans turned for their convention when we know we don’t know very much the community where the ticket because it would again each night I the president not only check in speech next Thursday on the White House beyond all day until in October and sources present in all the slots in one of the reasons why is that they are watching very closely what Democrats are doing what works and what has not worked for them as both parties really struggle to adopt this virtual convention in Miami in each of the creditors on and more start planning their own connection decide to a Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt virtual before the president in movies convention from Charlotte Jacksonville is trying to in person gathering for last months of bowing to the inevitable and shifting online so that the public facilitator advantage in his A can see what works and what doesn’t work and this is what you seem to be in operating a much shorter time scale so what is ACC. Can make maze of a PR individual giants today yesterdayand that these are not doing that now before we always begins to leave now. I really think he works so well Chris Hemsworth works Ruffalo works for work outside the MCU but he hasn’t as far as box office hours go yet I agree with you I saw that for the Hugo boss colonial evidently why is not the most famous movie star on the planet he’s got all the good secrets Hemsworth movies he better than Lamb know why but the grosses having smell maybe just the quality the movie was okay with you is just a leader only has more diesel sometimes Pretty Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt For Men and Women Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt More than Hot other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Tony Evers mask order outlaw going into effect on August 1 he also said that every DNR employee must wear a Teachers 2020 The Zoom Where They Teach T Shirt mask even while on a teleconference while also wearing a mask even if you are home to participate in a virtual meeting that involves being seen such as on Zoom or another videoconference platform by not DNR staff person calls said according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel set the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others see this is the same bullshit that the CDC set where mask is a talisman to remind everybody else to be aware of the pandemic so it’s got nothing to do at your health it’s got nothing to do it you safety it’s all about control because all the science shows that is not about you out nobody it is they can produce one scientific study that proves that mass work but guess what I was able to find another scientific study from Duke University that proves not only the mask mask don’t work but they call cause physical harm now and I can go do it in detail but I’m in a show you little excerpt from Evers executive order said that. Net At the top of a small log is on the back in the shuffle for the active people so they Apple and if I did feel in the elemental effects at K Natalie is the make no I know this Garner made not just cactus anything flashing only in Connecticut are poorand nearly empty that me to the book me that if I can laugh at half ice over fast onionand fit in the most I can add that was in a boozeand lets them all down right to circulate barsand the don’t evolve our vessel before going to cut out at the kiosk at Adonijah the at the Kennedys increased please we we know provinces are going to be in territoriesand the important part just as different provinces choose different regimes around telling alcohol different places my choose different approachesand outward to work withand that’s why we’ve been talking about it taxand since the election are we giving people a yearand had heads up with this task force that went around the country that we are giving for the legislation at this time provinces have well over a year now close to 15 months to put in place their system that seems that the province chooses not to there will still be a way through the the federally regulated system for people in every corner this country to to that purchase marijuana get is one of the things that time that I’ve heard a lot from from leveling it now I think you’re right you with teenagers know how to get their hands on joints now that the teachers don’t don’t think he plans thereof as often as they shut there’s a lot of places people people the highest per capita users in the world in Canada legal marijuanaand getting someone in the dispensary the issue with with getting it from a friend about from a friend organized crime is as we thought we follow the interaction most law abiding Canadians have with criminalsand many law abiding Canadians have criminals isand purchasing three 3380 incorporate long termand medical marijuana the vision possible when you’re candlesticks seem to be right to the company acted two things in the great question first when you mention medical marijuana right now the medical marijuana system which I we’ve heard you all sorts of people how certain certain aspects of marijuana is really good for certain conditions on the medical marijuana system that exists in Canada will stay in for the coming years right now however the medical marijuana is the only system is the only illegal system also for recreational useand a lot of people are getting recreational marijuana through medical marijuana system so once we’ve created opportunities for adults to purchase marijuana recreational use legally on that take a lot of pressure off of the medical marijuana systemand will be able to make better determination to to support medical marijuana usersand producersand the research that needs to continue going onand so Ray had those two things is going to radically transform your the the environment in which medical marijuana currently works only in regards to license producers in itand it’s really good that you’re highlighting what were looking at is licensing the production of marijuana provinces will determine whether there so it sold to dispensaries or whether it sold to you liquor board serve the full board like have Ontario that the various approaches will be done by the promises but were going to regulate producers I’m sure there will be in there already have indications that there are going to be big corporate style players but at the same time we are very very much focused on taking shut there’s a market is going to need needsand interests of Canadians that I know I Canadians like you regardless of the big corporate beers people like the microbrews we we know that people that I want to choose organic or low pesticides or a particular this particular that Amir is going to be an opportunity for small producers to get regulatedand to to act itself as a part time meetingand the line are disproportionately peaceful nonviolent keeper Jody I think people should understand that you are coming at this from a different perspective on you’re coming at it from lifestyle in a business choice I’m coming at it from a public policyand safetyand health choice health approach we have a system working on it hurting Canadians it’s hurting minoritiesand turning young people the current system doesn’t work to protect our communities to protect our kids will need to change that we will change that we will change the law or taking the time necessary to get it right as we seen in places where it hasn’t exactly gone right on the we can learn fromand out we will move forward in a thoughtful way on on fixing past wrongs that happen because of this is that this erroneous law that I didn’t put in placeand I’m working hard to fix the site review legal justice away from the little dog away from his whole life to helping people is at least in you ever wanted to pay I would be so sure if healthcare reached out to the company that already exists like this you want to do is to write what is highly love to discern the same work for to us where the future now or will already a problem for one of the things in in the title Candyland you’re highlighting it there’s a lot of concerns about access by kids to ediblesand there’s a lot of concerns about about learning from Coloradoand elsewhere on the challengesand that so we haven’t had any she said the future that I agree but we don’t yet have full confidence that we know what regulated framework around edibles will look like on what it look like five years know what to look for like 10 years from now we have to get it right is a huge amount of pressure on this out were taking a big step towards actual legalization of cannabisand it’s in sat oil formsand dried forms were to be working on it within new at the new frameworkand it’s in the future but again were focusing on getting it right so people concerned about the marijuana harm reduction risk of the best known as a member of rat that is a personal connection marijuana is a my wife had breast cancerand sheand she had a vasectomyand then okay chemo than vasectomyand thenand then radiationand I in night in a community that cc using cannabis for further pain inand actually off of all opiatesand only using cannabis for nerve is brilliant but she so in the community going to chemo a lot of a lot of people use use this this cannabis for for a lot of different medical reasons to help them with with all kinds of things now with LPs the these license producers getting caught with with different pesticides different mill duesand things like that are extremely harmful for these people that have other at their their most vulnerable communityand I’m just wondering how can the government be be back make sure that they are to take care of the health of of people I absolutely appreciate what you’re saying I’ve heard stories like that all across the country that have built that’s why the current medical marijuana regime will stay in place exactly so how your wife is accessing her medical marijuana right now will continue beyond the legalization framework that were beingand for recreational we are not going to be moving reducing or limiting in any way the medical marijuana field we just know that right now medical marijuana on top of being used by people for radical prescription purposes are on is also test for someone who would just as happily by legally for recreational uses or or minor uses were legal so we know that were accidentally removing a lot of pressure from the medical marijuana system which will allow it to better serve a more look like the did the responsibility of the LPsand that the guidelines for them to make sure that it’s safe for for for people is her leg is there any way to ensure that these people were to be using cannabis that could potentially at their most vulnerable right like there there there at their most vulnerable in their community night is what makes you that’s can be safe again at the medical use of marijuana is going to continue in the way around license producers health Canada is going to regulate all license producers the way we regulate at any any broad range of consumer product I were going to make sure that they’re being properly madeand their concerns are of mold or mildewand I got there will be immediate consequencesand people will as an indigenous person going on knowing about a grassy Narrows knowing about you suicide knowing about like water problems I just I want to know how I can make trust these promises of of health for these people I understand the concernsand that’s one of the reasons why working to make sure that were listening to indigenous peoplesand giving opportunities for indigenous communities to access the license producer regime we know that we have to make sure their license producers right across the country at different communities have access to itand I noticed in definite workaround ensuring that indigenous producers are going to have an opportunity to be part of the at the legal that legalize fishing that’s that’s one of the things that were definitely looking within a legalized framework were going to be able to do the kind of research that hasn’t been properly undertook to to determine exactly what what can we anecdotally an awful lot of people in the medical marijuana community I believe very strongly I think it’s a great opportunity to actually advance medical science by understanding the medical system community has a very powerful drugs up for acute short term pain don’t have a lot of great drugs for chronic low grade but very young laying out long term pain marijuana is often prescribed exactly for that having better knowledge better understanding of that is entirely what were going to be able to do on the flipside it would we talked briefly about revenueand revenue is not part of it continues at a similar example there is no wait time for anyone searching for gambling addiction treatment on anyone who has a gambling addiction can get treatment very reasonably straightforward way because part of the profits from legal gambling is put into addiction addiction treatment programs similarly some of the revenue from from legalizingand taxing marijuana I will certainly go into research go into treatment go into support for a for people struggling with challenges welland this latest user guide is a trial based harm reduction worker that I have a question can’t turn again to action supporting people the past we crisis last time frame around 30 people working ranch can’t hear you are 14 peopleand four people every day to be but every day hereand tear a lot country keeper Jack dressed people’s belief in a contributing to your current plans are to we Christians units to Prime Minister you are to first of all thank you for the amazing work youand sat across the country doing youand I sat down on couple times now with front line workersand experts in in the lower East side Vancouver to talk directly about thisand the number the recommendation they asked for we brought in we made a number of changes easier to bring in prescription heroin into this country so that it can access that the people people who need it will have access to the that responsible at presenters like Eric you are definitely things that we can do is more that we can do however we made a commitmentand we got a mandate to legalize marijuana kept our kids to protect Canadians to make sure that were removing the criminal elements from from that were moving ahead on that I will moving in different ways on on on other grounds whether it’s for safe consumption sites letters better access to prescription opioidsand an even heroin there are things we can do that are helping but I agree it’s a crisisand we need to do bulk transfer flash resource is the only box the country prescriptions are not that resources the best preventionand people you are doingand her job people keep completely traumatized resources do I wear to you Mr Prime Minister you selected a minor in parts of the drive we pray you can’t get people did you hear about the product or delivering on healthcare we spending millions of dollars we we are spending tens of millions of dollars but I know there is more to do we will be doing more to support including supporting the front line workers who left spoke into whether it’s paramedics or or I or at front line support workersand reduction site who are going to PTSD because there are so many people dying on the we absolutely need to do more to support you more to support respond to this crisisand we are doing well your way to war were continuing to make sure that the safety of Canadians paramountand that we make decisions like unlike previous government were moving far out why we had reversed at previous decisions to to ban prescription heroin from coming to the country that we are listed we took took on locks they off the prescription sweep done significant things to move in the right direction will continue to work with front line front line activistsand advocates who are seeing this terrible crisis are things we can do internationally as well work with China to help stem the tide of fentanyl a car for an hour coordinating with youand I were doing a number of things but I agree it’s not getting that’s why working so closely with the provincesand municipalities of which there are moreand more to make sure that we get tag at this this public health emergency control well I’m not there yet or exhale the we all respect was respectedand people are working on the frontline I also worked on the front a different capacity but the evidence is is not strong that that simply making these drugs legally available is the answerand interspersed there’s a one simple solutionand that’s why our government does is looking at the best advice of experts in the evidence looking at certainly supply addictions important were doing work with our international partners demand reduction treatment research prevention rehabilitation contact is my calling my former colleagues in cities across the country they tell me that there’s virtually no rehabilitation bets no detox beds available to them as one of the reasonsand I’m so proud that our government made a commitment we recognize that there’s revenue opportunities in the our plan to legalizeand regulate cannabisand we made commitments to make investments in in Internet research which is so important in treatment in rehabilitationand treatmentand endand services on the front line that will save lots this are our intent is to do this by July 1 unnecessarily on July 1 there were a number of people nicely concerned about the impact of of doing this on the day in which we celebrate the birth of the country but didn’t change your intent of the government’s intent was always to get this work done I July 1 that’s our target without a great deal of work to do but it is a reasonable targetand we we can afford to drag our feet there is too much risk to our kids too much risk to our communities we made a commitmentand an tell you there’s a consensus across the country that we must do better we can do betterand that’s our commitmentand when we believe that if we all work hard together we get it done by July 1 how here in Birminghamand I were on the Jack Daniels that Michael than I am marijuana legal or as you said earlier he’s the most boring guy in the country on this I got beatand Iand I know that inand friendly I have no intention of using this drug personally but I will celebrate if were successful in doing a better job protecting her kids in her community that we were suffering I was arguing with the present of Uruguay at his farm as elementary to US legalize marijuana interior lighting getting ready for legalizeand regulate weed across the country from seed to smoke so we can figure out how to pull this off igneous lover’s paradise for only regulated cash crop the government in December 2013 Uruguay’s Congress passed a law that regulated the cultivation saleand consumption of marijuana was a watershed moment in history more potential new legitimate economy is an entirely legal from December until April of this year the government meetingand writing the specifics of the regulation which will likely be sentenced down in late Apriland take affect small turns out the devil is in the detailsand a lot of it is more questions than answers about individual liberty the prospect of a commercial we boomand more of the great Uruguayan experiment brought forward by the country’s progressive president has stirred up a heated debate from both sides of the anti prohibition I’ll at least make Hestiaand Danielle the dart are long time we advocatesand academics lease it was just released from prison where she spent three months locked up on marijuana charges she was one of the last people to be put away for pot we visit them in their home just outside the country’s capital is so awesome regarding the above looking for is from a is an online so you think the government will be terribleand growing weed is going to the is surveyand how many you don’t want to register because you want the government to know what you’re doing okay okay fascinating Fridayand so the get a clinician who said that the Chinook attendedand will change your little letter that I will you just being paranoid years of forced criminality soured her on the very first law or is your latest need to give it a tryand go from there the big question is how does the concept of individual liberty against the government’s desire to regulate the rollout of full legalization we went to the office of Julio comes outand he’s the Secretary General of the national commission of drugs a guy who’s actually writing the regulations away goes alongand glad itand pay claims on your victory month there were now in a manner condo your socialite is a mighty wind they cannot donated by Katie as a secondary frame looking at Emily dataand Is inadequate formation is anyway SMEand Susan secretary Calvin’s office has crafted the rules if you’re over 18 only three ways you really want to grow yourselfand if you do you’ll be with six plans to buy pharmacy can only die 40 g a monthand the price will be fixed in a dollar a gramand three you a couple friends can form a club developed a 99 plans for your own personal use medical researchand development will be spearheaded by the government but the question remains will actually grow all the weeds sold in pharmaciesand most importantly how will the black market we’d actually be stamped out whatever you choose you will have to write your name down in a central registry that will forever mark you as a good for nothing next ownerand the law only applies to citizens of Uruguay tourists cannot buy weed weed smoking is nothing new in Uruguay where was all that we coming fromand how did Uruguay function in the broader South American illicit drug economy Seattle garage as a journalist has written a book about drugsand Uruguay we paid a visit to talk about what kind of lead Uruguayans are actually smoking I shadow eye candy Odyssey I see a lawyer life is how as we I got this by by Dawn Soto to wipe out a little okay Iand a Uruguay has been tacitly supporting the black markets into legalize using the 70s but in raw numbers a black market is not a problem Uruguay is a tiny country the population of about 34 million people in only 8 of Uruguayand admit to smoking weed for legalization activistsand growers like one vase bringing black market growing out into the open holds great promise that wanted to take us to the underground indoor grow out here in Montevideo which is still tightly legal by represent a growing culture of been here in the city so this right here is Paraguayand should bring weed like really only 70 can find on the street so one of the reasons why legalization is so hot right now is people want to get better weand what better way of doing thatand growing your own well very dailyand in all the way toand you is inand what is the freedom of legalizationand the restrictions of regulation are some ways you sides of the same coin we Montevideoand headed out to Carnaval beach town to see what young people think about registering with the governmentand in the legal were going ape shit. SO EXECUTIVE ABOUT WHAT TO DO TO BE PART OF COMMUNITY IF YOU LIKE AS A COMMUNITY MAKE THE COMMUNITY CENTER THAT THEY CAN WORK ON A BLOCK IN A MAN LISTEN ANYTIME AGAINST THE SECURITY ALL NEIGHBORHOOD NOR THE MAIN RESOURCE QUALIFICATION IS AS HOT AS IT IS JESUS THAT SHOULD BE NO WAY TO SIGNAL TO BE GUS COMMUNITY AS WE WAS WORKING AS WE DO WHEN SOMEONE IS TRYING TO BRING DOWN WHAT I MEAN ON ALL MINISTRIES SHOULD BE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY ABOUT WHAT CAN WE DO HAVE WE KNOW SOME OF THESE ARE THINGS BASKETBALL TEAMS WE START THINKING ABOUT ALL THAT POWER CAN BE POSITIVE

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